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Olivia's eyes widened to see the priest and every member of her neighbourhood at her doormat

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Olivia's eyes widened to see the priest and every member of her neighbourhood at her doormat. For the mourning ritual, everyone wore black clothing.

How do they know? Has someone informed them about Nathen and Megan's death?

She was stunned, but she moved aside to allow them in. In hoping to spend a few last quiet moments with her family. An older woman approached her and hugged her tightly.

Olivia lifted her head to see who was crying so loudly and discovered that it was Mrs Moore Megan's nanny.

Olivia sobbed her sorrows as she leaned over her shoulder. She was feeling very weak from all her emotional exhaustion, so Mrs. Moore helped her sit on a nearby couch.

As they walked by her to say their final goodbyes to the deceased, people offered her consolation for her loss, but she knew that she had lost everything and that no amount of comfort could ease her sorrow.

She was feeling like a walking body with no soul, breathing seemed too heavy and uncomfortable for her.

Olivia was airhead throughout the entire ceremony, which was conducted by the priest. She could barely understand the words that were falling on her ears. It was time for the burial after all the practices and every second that went by made her heart sag.

She wished for one item from their endearing possessions to be buried with them to give them one last moment of comfort. She went up the stairs once more in the hopes of finding anything, like Megan's favourite plush toy or dolls, but everything was destroyed.

How could Marcus develop into someone who is too cruel, to follow this instinct?

Her mind was racing with questions, and she was mentally exhausted from Marcus's sick behaviour. She descended the stairs with a heavy sigh, like a fool, after failing to find anything useful.

They made their way to the cemetery with the help of others. Following all protocols, the cemetery manager assigned labourers to begin excavating the land.

Once they had dug deep enough, it was time to bury the coffin.

The priest was reading phases from the Bible while Olivia's sanity wandered back to the days when she had a happy family. Nathan's last words echoed in her head again and again.

I love you, Lia!

Don't let anyone's heinous act destroy your honour!!

You are strong!

She draped red roses over Nathan's casket and pink roses over Megan's. Her heart was bleeding and her senses were numb as she watched the coffins sink deeper and deeper.

"No, I am not strong," she sobbed aloud, her screams echoing through the silent cemetery. She was sobbing both inside and out, and it was hard for her to watch them like this.

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