A Surprise!!

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(Warning: This chapter contains abusive and violent behaviour)

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(Warning: This chapter contains abusive and violent behaviour)

"Why, Oli? I give you two days to make a decision; why do you use this time to flee or even seek help from a rival, why do you always choose to get away from me? why?" Marcus' voice was filled with rage as he questioned Olivia.

He was clutching her hair in a fist. Her scalps were burning in pain, and she was suffering from a severe headache.

"It is not her; it is me. I am the one who goes in search of Alpha from the Crescent Moon pack. Please! let her go. She did nothing" Nathan confessed fearlessly, as it was evident on his face, that he was only trying to save Olivia.

Marcus threw Olivia to the ground and approached Nathan. He punched him in the face and knocked him down with a thud. Marcus stepped one foot over his head and began to use force to crush it beneath his black shiny boot.

"Ahh!!" Nathan let out a painful groan, and his face turned purple due to a lack of oxygen. He struggled and tried to free himself, but Marcus' grip was quite strong.

A crimson liquid began to flow from Nathan's nose, making Olivia's heart sink even more; she knew Marcus would not hesitate to kill Nathan.

She grabbed his foot and attempted to remove him from Nathan's head, but Alex grabbed her forearm and drew her away from the duo, leaving her helpless to witness Marcus' evilness.

"Let him go, A-A-Alpha, please! Let him go. I'll be your s-slave for the rest of my life, but please let him and my daughter leave safely," she begged, crying hysterically. Olivia knew that calling him Alpha would get his attention, and it did.

He left Nathan and took a few slow steps toward her. He clenched her jaw as he faced her. He was standing very close to her, invading her personal space, and she caught a glimpse of Evil in his eyes.

"Hmm! What do you call me?" he asked eagerly, maintaining a manic smirk on his lips. He was enjoying her misery, as anyone could tell from a single glance at his face.

"A-A-Alpha-my Alpha," Olivia stammered nervously, and he let out a sinful chuckle.


"Oh! Oli, Of course, you will become my slave, but I have a surprise for you. It always reminds you of who you are and where you belong?" he declared as his mood shifted from excited to angry in a pattern similar to bipolar disorder.

He let go of her jaw with a jerk, and she barely balanced to keep herself from falling behind. With long strides, he bridged the gap between himself and the couch and seized it like a king.

He pulled out a black box from under the table and gestured to Olivia to come and sit beside him. She glanced at him with confused eyes when Alex freed her.

She reluctantly followed Marcus' instructions and cautiously approached him. Marcus grabbed a small wooden box from beneath the table. It looked antique and some flowers and leaf patterns were carved beautifully over it.

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