Mind Game

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( Warning: usage of the drug

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( Warning: usage of the drug ....)

A/N: "Our mind is a great servant but a terrible master"

A/N: "Our mind is a great servant but a terrible master"

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Marcus got out of bed and walked towards the restroom. He took a quick shower to remove the sweat from his body. He had already lost sleep due to the nightmare and felt uneasy or restless.

He realized he could not fall back asleep, but his anxiety was killing him. It happened every time after the nightmare: he felt suffocated.

He wished to become numb or return to his happy memories. He walked to his room's study area and opened a hidden vault behind the bookshelves.

The vault contained only a few items, including his sister's journal. A box was positioned next to his sister's journal. He took out the black and gold box featuring the pack's emblem.

He opened the box's lid to reveal some nice, expensive-looking cigars. These cigars are specifically designed for werewolves. They were organic and contained the perfect combination of cannabis (marijuana) and wolfbane leaves.

M.C. Pharmaceutical Company was the main exporter of these two drugs. They were used for medical procedures, experiments, and recreational activities.

The company was the largest exporter of these cigars, which were in high demand due to their superior quality and price. These cigars became a brand and a symbol of elite status in both worlds.

Marcus made a fortune manufacturing these cigars. He was extremely concerned about the brand value of his products, so he only sold them after a thorough inspection or to select buyers.

The synthetic version of these drugs was delivered to privileged clubs and pubs on the condition that they not sell to underage youths. Because of the high cost, only prestigious and VIP clubs and pubs can afford it.

The infamous drug was called Devil's Spawn.

He removed a roll from the black and gold box. He lightly sniffed it to check the quality and, once satisfied, lit it with a gold lighter.

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