Blood Oath

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Victor's eyes widened after hearing the Goddess's words

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Victor's eyes widened after hearing the Goddess's words.

What kind of blood oath does she require from me?

He wanted to confront her, but when he took his first step toward her, he became dizzy.

His legs wobbled, and he realised he could not control his body. He landed hard on the ground.

"Ahh!" a painful groan escaped from the back of his throat. He felt embarrassed to appear as a vulnerable asset in front of his enemy. He sucked in the air when he realized he had no control over the situation.

"Easy, man! you are still weak and must regain your powers and strength," Serena's words were full of mockery rather than concern. She was aware of his weakness, but she did not bother to acknowledge him; seeing him in a miserable situation was quite entertaining for her.

She took pleasure in mighty Victor's helpless state and even made fun of him.

"I will do it; all I need to do is suck a thousand humans' blood and I'll be as healthy as new,"


Victor assured her as he hit his hand on a nearby table. He took support from the same table and attempted to stand up on his feet again, but failed miserably. Finally, he sat on the ground for a while in defeat, crossing his legs.

"And Zeus will be delighted to have your head on a silver platter. You know very well, Victor, that you can not mingle with the human world," she reminded him of his hardship in a sarcastic tone, unconcerned about his emotions at the time.

"And what about you? Huh? Are you allowed? You never think about bringing a human body to me as a bribe. Serena, why did you choose him? First, satisfy my curiosity, then we can discuss the Blood Oath,"

His words were clear, and his tone was tinged with a little anger and irritation, as he revealed every doubt in his head to her. He was pessimistic about matters relating to humans, particularly the body he was currently occupying.

He did not want to be accused of breaking a rule, nor did he want to be dragged into heaven's court. He had not given it much thought before because he was blinded by greed, but now the truth was burdening his soul.

They sucked human blood but were not allowed to kill them; the action was only done to erase their memory or turn them into a vampire. They were forbidden from killing humans a long time ago after they lost control of their bloodlust.

"Do not worry, Victor; I understand what you are thinking. I did not choose him; she (Olivia) did. The body you the inhabitant belongs to her husband. Johnathan Rodgers Adam,"

Serena casually answered all of his current questions. Victor's eyes popped out of their sockets as he heard the Goddess speak, and he could feel his anxiety rising.

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