Tears of happiness

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Serena stepped out of the woods and met the same angel at the metal door who had previously given her a mischievous smile

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Serena stepped out of the woods and met the same angel at the metal door who had previously given her a mischievous smile.

He was astounded to see a perfectly fine Goddess with a bulging belly drenched in blood from head to toe, holding a majestic sword in her hand.

His facial expressions were quite funny. She smirked at him before opening a portal to transport herself back to her bedroom in the Castle of Heaven.

The angel was unaware that she was one of seven Gods and Goddesses who created the architecture of the Hill of Life and she was familiar with every detail.

She dashed to the shower as soon as she entered her bedroom. Without hesitation, she entered the shower while still dressed. When water touches her body, the white marble becomes stained with red spots.

She removed her gown and looked at the bulge of her belly with longing in her eyes. She gently creased her belly and patted the tiny life inside her. These were truly miraculous moments, and she enjoyed them all for herself.

The euphoria of being called a mother was something she had desired for centuries. She wanted to enjoy every moment of it, even if it was only for a short time. She felt complete as a woman.

After half an hour, she stepped out of the shower, wrapping a white robe around her. She was standing in front of the mirror, rubbing her wet hair with a towel to dry it when she felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. It was so sharp and painful that she had to scream for help.

"HELP!! PLEASE HELP ME!! Is someone there?!? Aaaahhhhh!!" She yelled for her assistance as loudly as she could. The maid stood at the door and rushed into the room. When she saw the Goddess's swollen belly, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

However, she quickly collected herself and assisted Serena in lying on the bed.

"Call the healers and other maids as well. Aahh!," She was moaning in pain, but she never forgot to maintain her egoistic and authoritarian behaviour, which scared the poor maid greatly.

"Ye-yes Goddess, I will," the maid said obediently, dashing out of the room in an instant.

A few moments later, five healers and an army of maids entered the room, all of whom were surprised to see Goddess with a large belly.

They looked at each other in confusion and were just glued to their place, flabbergasted by the situation that was unfolding in front of them.

"What are all of you doing standing there!?... Ahhhh!! It is so painful. Do something about this!" Serena irritably commanded them; the pain was unbearable, and she had not expected that it would hurt so much.

All the healers and maids rushed to the bed. They examined her, and the healers discovered that there was still time to give birth naturally; they could not do it otherwise.

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