A Mistake

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Marcus walked out of Olivia's room, trailed by Alex

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Marcus walked out of Olivia's room, trailed by Alex. He found Mrs Foster and the doctor standing at the door. He glared at them before leaving the building.

"Take her to the hospital and see how she still remembers me and everything. There must be something we are missing out, Alex," he ordered from the patio before getting an intolerant sports black car. Meanwhile, his wolf scratched the walls of his head, giving him a severe headache.

It was a full moon, and his wolf was far more powerful than on any other night. His wolf was attempting to take complete control of his personality while also pushing him back.

Marcus worked hard with his wolf, but it was not enough. He opened a box next to his seat and gulped down the lavender inside.

"What the hell are you doing, Liam? Stop messing with my head," he growled, confronting his wolf about the absurdity. He felt as if his head was about to explode. He clutched his headpulledlling his hair to alleviate his headache.

"What is wrong with Marcus? HOW COULD YOU HURT HER LIKE THAT? YOU KILLED MY NINA, AND NOW YOU WANT TO KILL OLIVIA...YOU TRANSFORMED YOUR BOND INTO A BURNING BRIDGE IDIOT...It can never be repaired now," Liam snapped back at him. He knew Marcus was an egoistic fool, and he wanted to make him see reason.

"Then, what do you want...huh? Allow her to give birth to that parasite...so it can suck our blood and steal Asher's happiness...No!... never! Liam or you also can kill it like her daughter, right?" Marcus responded harshly.

"Trust me, Liam...she will crawl back to us...soon," he was desperate to calm his wolf.

His wolf has already taken over more than half of his body. This terrified him to the core.

He knew that once Lime had taken over his entire system, he would be unable to regain control. The human-wolf relationship in werewolves is always based on trust, which Marcus lost a long time ago.

"You are PATHETIC, MARCUS. That will never happen...I am tired of your false affirmation.....Now let me handle everything..... YOU IDIOT!" Liam boomed, he was not about to back down; it was within his power to seize control of Marcus' entire system.

Marcus picked up the phone and called a number when he realized it would be difficult to persuade his wolf.

"Cathiya!! Your potions are no longer effective...they failed to keep my wolf in check," he complained as soon as the line was connected. The other party was the witch tribe's leader, who picked up the phone on the first ring. Marcus' angry tone startled her, but she could detect anxiety in his voice.

He was impatient and expected his solution right away. He did not bother to greet the other party.

"That is why I asked you to find your mate and beg her to come back to you, Alpha Marcus. You have been using these parts to control your wolf for seven years. However, I warned you that they would lose their effectiveness with time. Only your mate can console your wolf and give you peace. There are no other options," the Head Witch explained firmly.

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