Prologue: Where It Began

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Midtown high was your stereotypical New York public school. There were your popular kids and unpopular kids, jocks and nerds. There were bullies and prey, more commonly referred to as Flash Thompson and most everyone else.

Then there were that vast majority which were neither popular nor unpopular, those in the middle.

Today all popular, unpopular, and neither students were leaving the school. Days before the students had all signed up for trips which interested them, or seemed the least boring, and now it was time to go on those trips.

"Come on! We're late!" Cindy Moon, a student not popular or unpopular but leaning towards the first, called out as she ran towards her bus.

"Come on! We're late!" Cindy Moon, a student not popular or unpopular but leaning towards the first, called out as she ran towards her bus

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"Don't say it like I'm at fault here!" (Y/n) Stacy called back at the girl as he ran after her. This boy was popular due to association, his sister was Gwen Stacy after all. "You're the one who wanted a muffin!"

"Shut up!" Cindy quickly spoke as she spotted the bus. "There it is!" They arrived just as the door closed. "Hey!" She banged hard on the door and it opened after a moment.

"Thank you" (y/n) said to the bus driver as Cindy got on and he followed after her.

Cindy was quick to sit down in the first available seat. "I'll catch up with you later" she promised her friend before looking to the boy sitting between her and the window. "How's it hanging Parker?"

"Hey Cindy" Peter Parker replied with a smile. "Hey (y/n)" he nodded at the boy who nodded back before walking past them to find another seat.

 "Hey (y/n)" he nodded at the boy who nodded back before walking past them to find another seat

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Eventually (y/n) found another free seat beside his sister's best friend. "Hey Watson" he walked up to the girl. "Mind if I sit?"

"Flash just left to use the bathroom" Mary Jane Watson replied as she gave a quick glance behind (y/n) towards as if to make sure the other boy wasn't coming back. "So yes please! I really don't want to sit with him"

 "So yes please! I really don't want to sit with him"

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