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"Peter? Peter stop daydreaming" (y/n) watched as his sister tried to snap her biology partner out of his thoughts.

"Hm?" Peter looked up, his eyes meeting those of Harry Osborn

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"Hm?" Peter looked up, his eyes meeting those of Harry Osborn. "Sorry"

"What were you thinking so hard about?" (Y/n) asked from his and MJ's table, the one right beside Gwen, Harry, and Pete.

"Nothing" he quickly wrote some formula down on the paper in front him before balling it up and shoving it into his pocket. "What're we talking about?"

"We're not talking, we're working" Gwen replied as she held up a piece of paper. "We're the smartest table in the class, need your head in the game Pete"

"Ouch" (y/n) spoke before turning back to MJ who also had a look of fake hurt on her face.

Gwen glanced at the two and rolled her eyes before looking back to Peter. "Pretend this is a race and we need to win"

Peter nodded. "Let's do this" he quickly grabbed a second paper from Gwen and got to work on it.

(Y/n) just shook his head and dropped his pen. "Well since those two are being all competitive for first do you want to see if we can get in last?"

"Sure. We can start in twenty minutes, that should give us just enough time" MJ dropped her pen on the table and leaned back into her chair. "Let's talk"

"Alright" (y/n) nodded as he watched Mary Jane tie her hair up in a ponytail. "So... what do you want to talk about?"

The girl shook her head, amused by the boy not knowing what to do. "Life. What do you do when Gwen and I aren't around?"

(Y/n) considered that for a moment. "I guess I either hang out with Cindy or I... I don't know. I'm always with someone"

"Sounds stressful" MJ spoke as she watched the boy, obviously thinking about something.

"Not really" he shook his head. "I don't really like to be left alone with my thoughts"

"Oh?" MJ asked, now curious. "Why's that?"

"Just not a fan of what I end up thinking of when I'm alone or it's quiet" he replied with another shrug.

"Not even when you're going to sleep?" Mary Jane questioned the boy.

"I mean, you know I share a room with Gwen" he replied with a shrug. "She likes to read herself to sleep, I listen to her and that puts me to sleep too"

Mary Jane smiled widely. "That's adorable"

"I'm an adorable person" the boy conceded with a shrug, acting as if he had been trying to be modest.

MJ rolled her eyes at his behavior but kept smiling. "What does she read?"

"I'm currently reading the Odyssey" Gwen spoke up from where she and Peter were working.

"Good pick" Peter replied without looking up. "Done" he smiled as he put his pen down.

"Sweet! I've finished my part too" Gwen nodded as she looked around. "Looks like we're the first to finish!"

"You two are too fast" Harry laughed as he continued writing.

"There's no way you're done" (y/n) spoke as he got out of his seat and walked over to look at the pair's papers. "How the hell-?" The boy cut himself off mid sentence.

"Guess I got all the smart genes" Gwen replied confidently as she reached up and pinched her brother's cheek. "Sorry"

"Well we always knew that" The boy rolled his eyes as he grabbed her hand and pushed it away. He walked back to his seat and sat down next to MJ. "Whatever, at least I got the... never mind. I think you got all the good stuff"

Gwen considered that for a moment. "You got the prettier eyes"

"Does he?" MJ quickly looked into the confused boys eyes. "He does"

"Okay?" The boy responded with a confused look as he stared back into MJ's eyes.


(Y/n) walked, one foot in front of the other, on the edge of the school roof as Cindy ate her Lunch. "Can you please come back from there? You're stressing me out" she spoke as she watched him, ready to grab him with a web if he fell.

The boy didn't seem to have heard what she said. He continued to walk there, stuck in his thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?" Cindy loudly asked after another moment.

"Hm?" The boy looked over to her. "Nothing"

"Nothing?" Cindy asked, sounding unconvinced.

"Nothing I feel like discussing" (y/n) corrected himself as he backed away from the edge of the building. He quickly changed the subject. "Hey, have you considered going into television or movies?"

Cindy gave a curious look. "Me?"

"Yeah" the boy nodded. "You're attractive and you've got superpowers. I'm sure anyone would be willing to hire you"

Cindy shook her head slowly. "I'm not- I don't want to be famous. And then I'd be to much like that guy who was on that talk show last night"

"Hm?" (Y/n) gave a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"You didn't see?" Cindy asked with a look of surprise. She quickly pulled out her phone and pulled up a picture. "He was calling himself The Amazing Spider-Man. Seems to have similar powers to me"

"Colorful" (y/n) shrugged as he looked over the picture

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"Colorful" (y/n) shrugged as he looked over the picture.

"No clue what his story is, I didn't watch the show, but you get my point" Cindy spoke as she shook her head. "I don't want to be like that, some person famous because of a gimmick. If I were to be famous I'd want it to be because of something good that I did"

"I get that" (y/n) nodded with a smile. "It's admirable"

"Thanks" Cindy smiled as she turned off her phone and put it back in her pocket. "Either way though I think right now I've just gotta focus on learning everything about these powers. Then I can start thinking of what to do with them"

(Y/n) nodded. "Well I'll be here to help you with that" Cindy smiled at the boy before going back to where lunch.

Word count: 1024

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