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The woman laughed as she picked up a man. "You don't want to tell me? Fine" she lifted him over her head. "Then let's do this the fun way"

"HOLD STILL TITANIA!" Silk jumped over the tall woman and grabbed the man she had been about to throw

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"HOLD STILL TITANIA!" Silk jumped over the tall woman and grabbed the man she had been about to throw. She landed on the other side of the woman and put the man down, he was quick to run away as Silk webbed the woman's feet to the ground. "You tear through multiple buildings just to find a guy? He wasn't even handsome"

Titania just looked at Silk for a moment saying nothing until finally she smiled. "Which one are you again? I don't think I've seen you before"

Silk sighed. "I know I'm not She-Hulk but I am still kind of a big deal"

"Sure you are little girl" Titania reached over and petted Cindy like one would a dog before bending over and ripping the webs off of her feet. "You're cute so I'm going to let you go now"

"I- I'm the hero! If anything you should be asking me to let you go!" Silk replied as she once again webbed Titania's feet to the ground.

Titania evidently didn't like having her feet webbed up again. Almost quicker than Silk could react the woman tried to grab her by the throat. Silk ducked down and rolled through Titania's legs before jumping onto her back. "That was rude!"

Titania was about to reply when she suddenly found something flying straight towards her. "Oh shit" Silk yelped before jumping off of the woman just in time to not be electrocuted alongside Titania. The projectile had been some sort of disk which electrocuted the target upon making contact.

"Come on Norman! I had that!" Silk spoke as she looked around before finally finding the so called Iron Patriot flying down towards them.

"She already ran straight through five buildings and hurt even more people today. I didn't think I had to ask to take her out" Norman spoke with a shrug from under his mask. "You're welcome" he walked over to look down at Titania, who was twitching and failing to stand up now that she had fallen to the ground.


"And then he just flew her off to prison" Cindy sighed as she rubbed her freshly unmasked face. "I had her"

"Sounds like Mister Osborn is very effective" was all (y/n) said in response as Cindy turned to glare at him. "What? Don't tell me Spider-Man's selfishness is rubbing off on you"

"He's not selfish. Not anymore" Cindy shook her head as she looked at the mask in her hand. "And you're right, Norman is very effective. But I was kinda hoping since it was her villain that She-Hulk would show up and I'd have my first team up with a real hero"

"Oh" (y/n) nodded in understanding. "Okay yeah you're right to be pissed"

"I mean Norman could have at least let me question her, figure out why she was doing what she was doing" Cindy got off the boys bed and stood up. Her silk-sense was tingling to slightly for it to be real danger.

"The police can do that" (y/n) replied simply from where he lay on the bed as he watched Cindy grab her web made sweater that she kept here and slipped it on. The door was opened a second later and in came Gwen and Mary Jane. "Evening you two"

"Are we interrupting something?" Mary Jane asked with a smirk, causing Gwen to roll her eyes.

"Oh yeah" Cindy replied quickly as she adjusted her sweater. "We were just about to screw but now that you've come I think I'll just go off and become a nun"

"Whatever you say Sister Moon" MJ curtsied over dramatically as Gwen walk over to the closet. "We're headed out, you want to come?"

(Y/n) glanced at Cindy who in turn shrugged. She'd have to make herself some pants or at least shorts beforehand. "Where are you going?" (Y/n) asked curiously.

"Peter's place" Gwen replied as she searched through her drawers for her favorite headband.

"I'll stay here" (y/n) replied quickly, surprising both Cindy and MJ. "I've had enough depressing stuff today, I don't even know what I'd say to missus Parker. I mean it's been a while now but still"

"How about I'm sorry for your loss. How are you doing?" MJ suggested.

(Y/n) sighed but nodded. "You want me to go? I'll go" he sat up before standing up.

"Atta boy" MJ smiled as she watched Gwen put on her headband. "You coming Cindy?"

"Sure" Cindy nodded before looking down at her clothes. "I'm kind of underdressed though"

"It's not dinner with the president, you'll be fine" Gwen spoke as she looked to (y/n). "You though-"

"Yeah I know. I'll go grab a shirt" the boy spoke as he looked down at the undershirt and khakis he was wearing.

"I've got it" Cindy quickly slipped past MJ and over to the closet.


"Good evening May" Gwen smiled as the old woman came to the door. Everyone else quickly got their greetings in.

"It's nice to see you all" May Parker spoke with a kind but forced smile. "Come in, Peter is upstairs. Dinner should be ready in half an hour"

They all entered the house, making small talk with May as they entered

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They all entered the house, making small talk with May as they entered. It came naturally to most of them but the entire thing was uncomfortable for (y/n), something which luckily only Cindy and Gwen picked up on.

Soon enough May went back to the kitchen with Mary Jane, who had insisted on helping her with what was left of the cooking and setting the table, and the other three went upstairs. Cindy grabbed (y/n)'s hand and held it as they walked behind Gwen, trying her best to stop his uncomfortableness.

The boy glanced at the photos on the walls as they approached Peter's room, they were filled with pictures of the Parker family. They all looked so alive and happy. Being in this house without Ben really made it feel all so much more real. It really brought out so many of the thoughts that the boy did his best to ignore.

Luckily he was pulled from his thoughts as Cindy gave his hand one final squeeze before letting go as Gwen knocked on Peter's bedroom door.

(Y/n) let out one last uneasy breath before putting on a blank face as Peter opened the door and invited them into his room.

Word count: 1104

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