Weekend At Harry's Part 1

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"Ms. Moon, you're late again. Class is halfway done" Cindy sighed, she had hoped she could sneak in and pass as someone who had shown up on time. She turned to face the teacher. "That's the sixth time in the past two weeks, everything alright?"

"Everything is fine" Cindy replied a bit too quickly, she was out of breath and disheveled as well so that didn't help her look.

The teacher didn't look convinced. "You know that at this point I'm supposed to contact your parents?"

She paled at the idea of that. "Can you... not? Please?"

The teacher was silent for a moment before nodding. "Last time. Don't be late again or you'll need a good excuse. This is getting worrying"

"I'll do my best to be on time" Cindy promised with a wide smile before turning again and running off to her seat between (y/n) Stacy and the window.

"That was close" the boy spoke quietly as Cindy sat down.

"It's not my fault bank robbers want me to keep missing English" Cindy whispered with a huff. "I don't know what I would have said if I had to give an excuse"

"You're a girl. Say something girly" (y/n) shrugged as Cindy moved her desk slightly closer to his so they could talk better as the teacher went back to teaching.

"Like what?" Cindy almost laughed. "I had to go take a pregnancy test?"

(Y/n) gave her a confused look. "I meant just something like your period came on unexpectedly"

"Oh" Cindy frowned and nodded. "That's better. I'll use that next time"

(Y/n) rolled his eyes before going back to watching the teacher.


(Y/n) waited outside the class as Cindy talked to the teacher. It was only a quick moment before she walked out and waved for him to walk with her. "He's gonna send me the notes for today"

"That's good" (y/n) nodded as he walked up beside her. "Ready to head home?"

"Yeah" Cindy nodded as she tried yet again to fix her hair. "I need a nice long nap"

"Mhm" (y/n) nodded. "I'll join you in that"

"Oh yeah?" Cindy asked with a laugh as she looked over to him. "Maybe in your dreams"

(Y/n) shrugged. "I just meant I'll also be taking a nap when I get home" he then quickly wrapped his arms around Cindy's waist and picked her up, causing her to laugh. "But your idea isn't to bad either"

"Let me go!" Cindy laughed as she kicked her legs playfully and enjoyed the feeling of being so close to the boy, not caring about the few people still in the halls who saw them.

"You two are so cute!" (Y/n) quickly turned, turning Cindy along with him, and saw Mary Jane standing there with Harry who just laughed quietly as he snapped a picture of the pair.

"We are" Both kids replied as (y/n) put Cindy down.

"Humble too" MJ laughed.

"Nah, that's just self confidence" Harry replied as he elbowed MJ's side. He then looked again to the other two. "My dad is hosting some charity thing tonight, any chance you two want to come? He said you can all stay all weekend if you'd like"

"Of course" (y/n) nodded quickly, not one to turn down free food, he was nervous about spending the weekend away from home but he ignored that. "I assume Gwen and Peter are coming?" He'd feel better if Gwen was there.

"Of course" Harry nodded as he parroted the words back at (y/n). He then looked to Cindy.

"Can I nap beforehand?" She asked with a yawn.

"You can nap during if you want" Harry replied with a shrug.

"Sweet" Cindy nodded with a tired smile. "We get to ride in your limo?" Harry nodded. "Sweet times two" she looked to (y/n). "Carry me?" She pouted and put her arms out.

"Seriously?" (Y/n) asked with a laugh as she looked to Cindy again, his worries forgotten.

"Carry her" MJ spoke from out of view, the wingwoman Cindy needed in this moment. "It'll give Gwen's overprotective little body a heart attack once she sees her little brother holding a cute girl"

"Ooh! Good call" (Y/n) quickly picked up Cindy up like one would a child and turned to start walking to the parking lot. Cindy quickly shot MJ a thumbs up which was quickly returned before she and Harry started walking after them.


"What is taking them so long?" Peter asked as he glanced out the car window. The driver of the vehicle was separated by a glass partition so he and Gwen could speak privately.

"Cindy probably showed up to class late again and had to stay for a bit afterwards" Gwen replied, causing Peter to look at her curiously. "(Y/n) said she's been doing that lately"

Peter nodded simply.

It was quiet again for a moment. "How's your Aunt May been holding up?" Gwen asked quietly after a moment.

Peter was silent for another moment. "I mean... she tries to hold it together when I'm around, but I know it affects her more than she wants me to know"

Gwen nodded and moved to the seat beside Peter. She put her hand on his hand in a way which she hoped was comforting. "Right... I'm sorry. I still don't know how to talk to you about this"

"It's fine!" Peter quickly replied too loudly before saying the next part quietly. "I don't really know how to talk about it either. How about we just don't talk about it?"

Gwen frowned but nodded. "If that's what you want" she looked out the window and her frown deepened. She rolled down the window and could hear (y/n) laughing at her face. "Put her down! Six feet apart!" She called out, playing into her older sister roll. She didn't actually care enough to try and separate the two, sure she cared a bit, but she did this because she knew that her brother liked when she acted protective of him.

She could hear from (y/n)'s continued laughter that he enjoyed her over reaction and knew she had said the right thing. She looked behind the two and could see MJ and Harry smirking, knowing what she was doing. They had probably set this up to begin with.

Word count: 1072

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