Ditch Day

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"What the hell happened to you overnight?" Those were the first words spoken to Cindy by her best friend as she walked up to the school, where he had been waiting by the front door. "You're tall!.. er"

Cindy smirked as she walked over up to him. "I've got muscles now too!" She spoke as she looked around to confirm nobody was around before lifting her sweater just enough that the boy could see her abs.

(Y/n) looked at her abs. "Woah" he then looked back up to her smug face. "Okay what gives? Have you been secretly hitting the gym and been put on a rack?"

"I have no clue" Cindy replied as she grabbed the boys arm and pulled him away from the door, towards the side of the school building, where they could talk more privately. "One moment I'm passing out on my floor, the next I wake up and I can't fit into my clothing" she held her hand up. "I think it has to do something with this"

"The bite?" (Y/n) asked as he looked at the almost healed bite.

"Yeah! I must have been bitten by one of those Oscorp spiders or something, it's the only thing that makes sense!"

"It doesn't make sense"

"Which is why it makes sense! When nothing makes sense the explanation that doesn't make sense is the correct explanation!" Cindy giggled as she let go of the boys arm and rubbed her hands together. "Watch this" she aimed her hand at the wall and closed her eyes.

"What am I supposed to be seeing?" He asked after a minute of watching Cindy struggle.

Cindy remained silent for another minute before suddenly a white string of a silky material shot out of one of her fingers and stuck to the wall. "What the fuck?" (Y/n) whispered as he stared at the thread and Cindy's finger. "Is that a spider web?"

"Oh" Cindy rubbed the back of her neck. "That makes much more sense, I thought it was some sort of silk"

"Neither makes sense" (y/n) whispered as he reached out and touched the thread. "Woah..." he pulled his hand back. "Okay so... keep in mind I'm not a racist so I won't judge you but... are you a mutant?"

"No I'm not a mutant" Cindy rolled her eyes. "I'm just a normal girl with normal superpowers"

"This is so cool" (y/n) whispered as he touched the string again before it detached from Cindy's finger and fell to the ground. "What else can you do?"

Cindy smirked after hearing that question. "How about we sneak away and find out?"

(Y/n) was silent for  moment. "But we have school-"

"Screw school! Look at that!" She motioned to the thread on the ground. "I can be the next Luna Snow! There's this construction project that hasn't been touched in years, probably some money laundering thing, we can go there and test this out!"

"You really think you can be the next Luna Snow?" The boy asked with a confused look. "I've heard you sing"

Cindy huffed and crossed her arms. "That was years ago, I'm better now... and maybe I got some super singing powers... you don't know"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment before nodding. "Alright fine, let's go" Cindy smiled widely before grabbing the boys arm and beginning to run, pulling him along with her and making him run as well. "Can't we just grab a cab?!" He asked as he struggled to keep up.


Cindy Moon stretched her arms as she looked around at the empty construction sight around them. "So how are we going to test this stuff?" She asked as she glanced at (y/n).

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