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"Cindy I just got to sleep" (y/n) suppressed a yawn as he whispered into his phones speaker. He glanced over at his sister who was wrapped comfortably in her blanket and quietly snoring still.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry" she replied through the phone as the boy got out of bed. "I just need you to-"

"I'm on it, I'm on it" (y/n) rubbed his eyes as he walked out of his room to search for his father's computer. "I really don't like doing this you know"

"I know, I'm sorry" Cindy replied again before the sound of webs could be heard. "But you know I can't do this without a little inside help"

"Mhm" (y/n) rolled his eyes as he reached the kitchen and found his father's laptop on the table. "You realize he only leaves it out because he trusts we won't do anything serious like looking at police records"

"I said I'm sorry!" Cindy seemed annoyed now even though she knew she didn't have the right to be. "I just need to know about that burglar they're after. The busty one with the white hair"

"Sounds hot" (y/n)'s half asleep mind didn't realize he said that out loud until he heard Cindy groan.

"All you boys are alike" she couldn't help but smile as she shook her head. "I think Spider-Man may be in love with her"

"Spider-Man?" (Y/n) asked which suddenly made Cindy go silent. "Since when were you hanging with him?"

"A while now" Cindy replied simply and quietly. "He's not as bad as the bugle makes him out to be"

"We've seen him in action, remember?" (y/n) asked with a concerned tone.

Cindy was silent for a moment again before responding. "He's trying to get better. I trust him because I know why and because of that I know he won't go back to the way he was"

"Alright" (y/n) replied simply as he opened the computer and signed into it.

"Alright?" Cindy asked with a confused tone of voice.

"Alright" (y/n) nodded again as he pulled up his father's files. "I'm not in charge of you, I'm not going to try to control who you hang with. Just be careful"

"I am careful" Cindy replied simply. "I even know who he is. He's trustworthy"

"I'm trustworthy! Promise!" (Y/n) heard a faint yell from the phone. Spider-Man must have been on the opposite side of whatever room Cindy was in.

"Alright" (y/n) nodded as he finally found what Cindy needed. "Ready for me to read this to you?"

"One sec" Cindy quickly replied before talking again a second later. "I got this cool app that lets you distort someone's voice when you put them on speaker. Pretty sure Stark made it specifically for situations like this. Here we go, you're on speaker"

"Alright then" (y/n) whispered as he listened to make sure his dad hadn't woken up. "Ready to hear it?"

"Go for it!" He heard Spider-Man still from across whatever room Cindy was in.

(Y/n) nodded before opening the file and reading. "They don't have much, just a list of crimes, a few suspects, a blurry photo, and an alias. The Black Cat"

"Alright, what are the crimes for this kitten?" Cindy asked but (y/n) went silent. He heard someone coming. He quickly closed the files before opening to a tab he had left open yesterday.


"Boo? What are the crimes?" Silk asked the phone again as she glanced at Spider-Man who was still searching through the evidence. They were down at the police station that captain Stacy worked in, the one they had first met in.

A second later she could just barely hear someone talking quietly that wasn't (y/n). Then her friend seemed to respond. "Yeah Mama, Just doing some last minute shopping, have to order this book for school"

"Crap!" she quickly turned to see Spider-Man with his hand on his head. "I forgot to order something for school too"

"Back to work" Silk rolled her eyes before taking her phone off of speaker and putting it back up to her ear.

"-no I'm on the phone with Cindy, she reminded me" the boys voice was no longer distorted since he was off speaker.

"There's nothing here" Spider-Man spoke with a sigh. "Seems like she left no evidence behind aside from that little bit of security camera footage"

"Alright, yeah I'll be quieter" she could hear (y/n) saying as she gave Spider-Man a nod. "Alright, goodnight"

There was a minute of silence before Silk put (y/n) back on speaker. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah" the response was a whisper so quiet that Spider-Man had to come closer to hear it. His voice was distorted again. "Look Ci-Silk, I'm done with this. You're going to get me in trouble"

"I'll make sure to take the fall if that happens" Silk was quick to respond. "I really need those lists"

"The suspect list is long" (y/n) whispered back. "They aren't just talking people with white hair. They think she could be wearing a wig so there are a lot of names"

Silk nodded before quickly closing the phone app, letting it play in the background, and opening another. "This is a secure private messaging system I'm sending you a link to. I'm also sending my account name. Nobody can see what we send. Download it and send me pictures"

(Y/n) just sighed but started downloading the app. "I'm to pretty for jail"

"Yes you are!" Silk replied in a voice similar to how one may speak to a dog. "We're not going to get caught, I promise"

"Okay" (y/n) sighed. After a moment Silk finally received the message with the images. "Atta boy- aw you named your account after my favorite Pokémon? That's so sweet!"

"I didn't know what to go with" the boy muttered quietly.

"Love you too Boo" Silk replied before hearing a quick Mhm followed by the phone being hung up.

"You two are adorable!" She could almost see Spider-Man's huge smirk through his mask.

"Hell yeah we are" Silk just decided to own it and let him think whatever he was thinking.

Word count: 1058

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