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"Remember, silence" (y/n) whispered to Cindy before opening the door to his family's apartment. It was late at night and he had no clue who would be up at this point. He hadn't meant to stay out so late but, after their ice cream with Flash, Cindy had invited (y/n) to her place for dinner and they had ended up watching a movie with her brother afterwards.

Cindy nodded, understanding she wasn't supposed to be here and couldn't be caught here. Her parents thought she was in her room back home.

The two silently entered the apartment, walking as quietly as they could with squeaky floorboards. It was dark but (y/n) knew the way and Cindy had enhanced vision.

Once they reached the kitchen (y/n) flipped the light switch before beginning to look around. "Where is it?" He whispered as he opened one of the lower cabinets.

Cindy quickly felt her silk-sense go off and immediately and silently jumped to the ceiling.

"(Y/n)?" An exhausted and pajama clad Gwen Stacy entered the room, causing (y/n) to turn and notice that Cindy had disappeared and his sister had appeared.

"Hey Gwennie. Did I wake you?" He asked as he walked over to his sister and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Gwen frowned and looked up at her brother suspiciously. "What are you doing?" She asked as she noticed he had been looking through the cabinets.

"I- the Benadryl wasn't in the medicine cabinet so I was checking the others. I could hear your snoring from outside the front door so I figured your allergies were acting up" (y/n) made up the lie the second he noticed her eyes were red, it was quickly enough that Gwen wasn't sure if he was lying or not.

"I took it to our room" she spoke as she rubbed her tired eyes. "Where were you?"

"Cindy's" (y/n) replied, causing Gwen's frown to deepen. He had never been there this late before. "I was invited for dinner and then we watched a movie with her brother"

"Sure, sure" the suspicious tone in Gwen's voice earned a confused look from her brother. "You know dad doesn't like you being out this late"

"Hence why I'm being quiet" (y/n) replied, lowering his tone back down to a whisper. "And why I'd appreciate you doing the same"

Gwen frowned but nodded in agreement. "Let's go to bed" she whispered.

(Y/n) nodded. "I'll follow you in a few minutes. I'm not really tired yet"

Gwen's frown now seemed as frowny as possible. She sniffled and (y/n) handed her a tissue from the box on the counter. "What are you really doing (y/n)?" She asked as she wiped her nose with the tissue.

(Y/n) sighed before shaking his head. "Look, I'll be with you soon, just gonna have a quick drink with Cindy on the roof"

Gwen glared at (y/n) and shook her head. "No way!" She whisper yelled. "You know you're not allowed to-"

(Y/n) covered her mouth with his hand. "Don't worry. We won't have too much. And if you even think of telling on me I promise you I'll tell Dad that Mary Jane sneaks a bit every time she stays here"

"She doesn't-"

"Oh of course she does" (y/n) shook his head at his sister naivety. "The girl's got issues at home, at school, and she's sneaky. I've caught her a couple times"

Gwen was silent for a moment before turning and walking back to their room in silence, quietly blowing her nose into her tissue.

Cindy silently fell back down to the floor. "Does MJ really-"

"No" (y/n) shook his head. "Well not unless I'm willing to drink with her. But I didn't want to incriminate myself even more" he whispered back before going back to searching through the cabinets.

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