Death In The Family Part 1

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It was a while before the dust settled. In the wake of the explosion the area around the building and where the debris from the top floors had fallen was quickly cordoned off by the police. They had yet to enter the area, instead deciding to wait for the bomb squad to arrive and make sure there was nothing else explosive in the vicinity.

There were however a select few people who had been able to sneak inside of the off limits area. Some were parents looking for their kids, some were kids looking for their parents, and a couple were superheroes looking for whomever they could find.

After Silk had hung up on him, (y/n) Stacy had started making his way over here. It was a long run which would have been a much longer bus ride if had he gotten stuck in the traffic which this explosion had caused. Now he arrived at the police barricades and tried to run straight through them, only to get grabbed by an officer before he could get past him.

"Let me through!" He demanded as he hit the man, Kaleb he was pretty sure his name was. He'd seen him a few times at the station.

"You go in you may not come out" Kaleb informed him as he held him there. "The bomb squad is inside, let them-"

"But my dad is somewhere in there!" (Y/n) pleaded as he tried his best to push past the man and failed. "He could be dying while-"

"(Y/n), he wouldn't want you getting hurt trying to help him" Kaleb spoke calmly. "If he's in there we'll find him"

(Y/n) took a shaky sigh but nodded. "Okay" he whispered as he stopped trying to push past the man. However the second that he let go of (y/n) the boy bolted past him and the barricade.

(Y/n) ignored the yell of the cop as he ran at adrenaline fueled speeds he didn't know he could reach. He pulled out his phone and called his dad's phone, praying he'd hear it.

There, he heard it faintly to his left a long moment later. He quickly ran in that direction, jumping and climbing over rubble whenever he needed to. "Dad!" He called out for the man as he approached where the sound was coming from.

He approached a corner of the building and walked past it only to stop dead in his tracks. It wasn't his dad. He walked two excruciating steps forward before crouching down and hesitating before deciding against picking up Cindy's smashed phone. He only recognized it because of the now dirty and ripped Staryu sticker on the case.

He quickly looked around for the girl but saw nothing of her. She probably would have been close to the explosion. He quickly shook his head, trying to expel that thought before once more calling his dad's phone. He didn't know where Cindy was, but he knew where his dad was.

He ran forward again before finally spotting the child. The kid was trying his best to pull a man out of the rubble. Only the man's arm stuck out, the rest of him buried in debris. It was an old looking arm, that was the only thing (y/n) noticed as he ran by.

It took a second after he had run past the horrid sight before he realized he had walked past the source of the noise his fathers phone was making. He turned around and listened for the noise before it dawned on him.

He quickly ran over to the limp arm before digging through the rubble as quickly as he could. The kid, now seeing that someone had come to help ran off to get more help.

It took a minute but (y/n) unearthed his father's face. It was lifeless, his eyes closed and his face bleeding.

(Y/n) continued to dig out his father as he ignored the obvious. There was a quiet groan from somewhere else close by but he ignored it, not caring about whomever that may be.

Once he had no more of his father to unbury, to distract him, he finally looked the man over. He was dead, there was no doubt about that. He didn't ignore that any longer, he just stared into the closed eyes of the dead man who had raised him.

"(Y/n)..." he felt a cold hand grab his shoulder gently but he ignored that. He could hear the man take his helmet off before speaking again. "Come on son-"

"Don't" (y/n) shook his head as he refused to look at Norman Osborn. "There was someone else over there, still alive I think" he muttered as he motioned over in the direction that the groan from earlier had come from.

Norman nodded solemnly. "Okay" he knew the boy needed a moment with his father.

Once (y/n) was alone again he just stared at his father again. So many nights he had been kept awake, thinking about if something like this were to happen. He had never imagined it this way. He had never really thought this could happen.

Who was next?

That thought chilled him to the bone. Cindy was probably already dead. Gwen and Mary Jane may have been hit by a car on the way back from dinner, or maybe a bus, or maybe they had been caught in this blast too. Hell, they may even have been raped and murdered by some filthy lowlifes just moments ago. This was New York, anything could happen.

(Y/n) leaned down and buried his face in his father's jacket as he cried.

"Is the captain-" (y/n) quickly turned as he heard the faint voice of Peter Parker, only to find Spider-Man trying to stand from where Norman had just unearthed him. It took the boy a moment to process this.

(Y/n) quickly reached down and grabbed his father's gun as he stared at Spider-Man. It was his fault. Peter Parker had lost his uncle, he knew what this felt like, and he had still put his father's life on the line like this.

Maybe Peter was cursed. Cursed so that everyone around him died. (Y/n) hadn't believed in curses before but right now he doubted what he had once believed.

"(Y/n), put down the gun" he looked up to see Norman had returned over to him, Spider-Man watching from where he stood and stared at the corpse of George Stacy. (Y/n) had lost his opportunity.

"He- it's his fault" (y/n) whimpered, aware of how much of a child he sounded like as he pointed with his free hand at Spider-Man. "He killed my dad" he didn't even sound angry, he just sounded pathetic. He hated how he sounded. He was angry, he was furious, he wanted to shoot Peter right where he stood.

He should have let Spider-Man die under the rubble, he shouldn't have told Norman that he had heard someone.

"I-" Spider-Man seemed for a moment like he was going to try to defend himself but he didn't. "I'm sorry"

(Y/n) quickly lifted the gun and shot over and over until the gun was out of bullets. Norman quickly got in front of Spider-Man but not quickly enough. Spider-Man screamed in pain as one bullet pierced his shoulder, the rest ricocheting off of Normans armor.

Norman quickly caught Spider-Man before he could fall. He put his helmet back on and looked again at (y/n) as he prepared his armor to take off and find medical aid. "I'm sorry for what happened to you, but killing him won't make it better. I won't tell anyone, I know you need time to process. I would have done the same thing if I had just lost Harry"

After those words Norman took off, carrying Spider-Man to find him medical treatment.

(Y/n) dropped the gun and fell back down, turning so he could once again bury his head in his father's chest and cry.

Peter Parker was Spider-Man. Peter Parker had gotten (y/n)'s dad killed. Peter Parker had gotten (y/n)'s girlfriend killed. He was probably even responsible for his own uncles death.

Gwen had a crush on Peter. Peter had a crush on Gwen.

That last thought caused the boy to suddenly stop crying. Gwen. (Y/n) couldn't lose Gwen too.

He resumed his crying as he collapsed against his father's corpse and imagined all the things that could happen to Gwen if she were to remain close to Peter. Each thought was infinitely more terrible than the last.

Gwen couldn't be next. (Y/n) wouldn't allow it. He'd kill Peter and himself before he ever allowed that to happen.

Word count: 1483

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