Weekend At Harry's Part 2

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Once they arrived at the Osborn Mansion it was like being in another world. "Wow" (y/n) whispered as he looked around, he and Cindy being the only of the group who had never been there before.

"Glad you like it" Harry laughed as he enjoyed watching his friend. "Make yourselves at home"

Cindy was still half asleep but she also seemed impressed.

They heard the car start again outside and drive off. The driver was going to Harry's friend's homes to pick up clothes for their stay here.

"I'm going to go look for the kitchen" (y/n) spoke quickly before running off through a doorway. "Bet they have the best snacks here"

"Wait up!" Gwen quickly called after (y/n) before running after him. She sent everyone a look like she wanted to talk to her brother in private for a second.

Gwen luckily knew her way to the Osborn Kitchen so she ended up there before (y/n). "Want to talk?"

"Not unless you'll show me which of these cabinets has the snacks" (y/n) spoke as he stared wide eyed at the large room.

"That whole wall" Gwen pointed to the far wall which (y/n) quickly walked to. He opened a cabinet and smiled as he looked at everything within. "Can we talk now?"

"What's there to talk about?" (Y/n) asked with a confused look.

"You've never been away from home for the night. Thought you might be nervous" She replied as she reached up and ran her hand through his hair.

"I'll be fine" (y/n) replied, sounding unsure. "Or I'll try my best to"

"Good" Gwen nodded before quickly hugging her brother and burying his head in his neck. "Just come to me if you need me... or go to Cindy, I'm sure she can help too"

(Y/n) looked confused to Gwen and she realized for the first time that he really didn't know. "Why would I go to Cindy?"

"Are you two not-" Gwen frowned. She thought what had happened earlier had been a sign that Cindy had finally made a move. "She's your friend dumbass!" She quickly stopped herself from telling him how Cindy felt. "My point is just let yourself enjoy this weekend"

(Y/') nodded as he took two chocolate bars out of the cabinet and held one out to his sister. The two opened their bars before simultaneously taking the first bites.

"Guys?" The two turned to see Harry standing in the doorway. "Mind if I show you to your rooms? The staff need to set up for my dads charity thing"

"Right, lead the way" (y/n) quickly nodded with a small frown which he quickly concealed.

"Can we share a room?" Gwen knew her brother was thinking the question but didn't want Harry to think less of him. (Y/n) wasn't as close with Harry as the rest of the group but Gwen knew he hoped that would change.

"Yeah, of course" Harry quickly nodded as he mentally readjusted which rooms he'd be putting people in. He turned and walked off, motioning for the two to follow.

"Thanks" (y/n) whispered before quickly taking his sister's hand and squeezing it. She just squeezed it back and smiled at him.


"You look great" (y/n) whispered, he had just walked out of his room only to find himself face to face with Cindy. She was wearing what was probably the most expensive dress either of them had ever seen. It was a simple black dress that had a slit down her leg, showing it off. "Gift from Harry?"

"He realized we'll need fancy clothes for his dad's thing" Cindy shrugged as she looked down at herself. "He sent me to bring you and Gwen to try stuff on. They've got a whole room with just old clothes"

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