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To say Cindy was loving her life more than ever would be an understatement. She'd go out every night, clad in her webs, and help who she could, she'd then return home and get a couple hours of sleep and work off that and coffee the next day.

Even during the days she'd spend most of her time thinking about her night, about the adrenaline rush which she'd get whenever she helped someone.

"Cindy?" The girl glanced up from her paper as she was pulled from her thoughts. "Class was dismissed. What's got you so distracted?" (Y/n) asked as he walked over to the girls desk.

She held up the paper she had been sketching on. "I'm working on designing a new costume. One which doesn't have my thighs hanging out"

The boy took the paper and looked it over. "I mean I liked the- never mind. It looks very nice" he nodded before looking at Cindy. "Ready to head home?"

Cindy smiled and stood. She and (y/n) would almost always walk home together, most of the time MJ and Gwen would join but Cindy preferred when it was just the two of them. The conversations they could have were less inhibited when it was just them. "Let's go"

Soon enough the two were outside, walking side by side. "So..." (y/n) glanced around. "Thought of a hero name yet?"

"Nah" Cindy shook her head. "Though Peter heard about this new hero. Until there's something that sticks he's calling me The Spectacular Spinning Jenny"

(Y/n) frowned. "I don't get it"

Cindy shrugged. "Neither did I. Apparently a spinning jenny was an early type of textile loom"

(Y/n) let out a small laugh. "He's such a nerd"

"That he is" Cindy smiled in agreement. "But yeah I'm not calling myself that"

"Good choice" (y/n) nodded as he glanced over at the girl. "You really got nothing though?"

Cindy was silent for a moment. "It's kinda dumb" she admitted as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Doesn't really play into the spider theme"

"Tell me it" (y/n) smiled as they stopped walking and she seemed to consider it.

"I like the name Silk" she spoke as she watched him for a reaction, nervous about what he'd think.

He smiled and nodded, causing Cindy to smile back. "I like it. It's simple and your webs are very silky so it makes sense"

"Yeah?" Cindy's smile widened. "Then I'll go with it! Silk it is"

"Good" (y/n) nodded as they began walking again. "So how are you planning on having your costume made? Are there superhero costume makers?"

The girl shook her head and held her fingers up. "I'm gonna make it" she smiled.

"You?" The boy gave a confused look "you sure you got the power for that?"

"I wouldn't say it if I wasn't sure I could do it" Cindy replied and she huffed. "And now I'm gonna make you watch me do it, just to prove my point"

"Oh no! I have to spend time with my best friend" (Y/n) spoke sarcastically as he shook his head.

"Hell yeah you do" Cindy smirked as she tossed a tiny plush Jigglypuff between her hands. "Let's go to your place" (Y/n) gave a surprised look. "We'll lock Gwen out of your room and work there"

"Fine" (y/n) sighed as he shook his head. "She's going to kill me for this. You know that"

Cindy scoffed and smirked. "You've got a superhero to protect you from that big bad sister of yours. Don't be a baby"


Turns out Cindy wasn't quiet as good as she was confident. Creating the perfect suit had taken multiple days but now that she had finished it was time to finally wear it out in the city.

"Hey!" Silk called out from where she landed behind the man she had followed from where he had just robbed a mail truck. "That's one intricate costume... what are you supposed to be?"

The man turned and saw her, almost stepping back in surprise

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The man turned and saw her, almost stepping back in surprise. He put down the bag that had been on his hands on the roof they stood on. "My name is Dragonclaw!" He replied as he got into a fighting stance to match Silk.

 "My name is Dragonclaw!" He replied as he got into a fighting stance to match Silk

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Cindy smiled widely under her mask. "Seriously?" She asked, almost laughing. "Sounds like a Pokémon. I'm Silk" she quickly launched herself at him.

The man tried to punch her but she quickly was on his shoulders, webbing his hands together. "I don't-"

"So tell me Pokemon-Dude, why'd you rob a mail truck? People deserve to get their mail on time" she quickly punched him in the helmet as she continued sitting on his shoulders.

The man suddenly flew up, startling Silk as she grabbed on tighter to keep her grip. "They had something I needed!" Dragonclaw called as they flew higher and higher, the wind would have drowned out his voice completely had he not yelled.

"That really just leaves me with more questions!" Silk called back as she held on tightly to the man's head. She wanted to knock him out but that would just leave them both falling.

Silk quickly felt her head tingling again.

"To bad!" Dragonclaw quickly grabbed Silk's hands, surprising her as he pried them off of his helmet. He was stronger than he looked. He quickly threw her.

She screamed as she fell before flipping herself in the air. She looked up at Dragonclaw and aimed her fingers. "Not cool Pokémon-Dude!" She yelled at him before suddenly shooting her webs and yanking them once they attached. She watched the man scream as he was suddenly pulled down with her.

Moments before they both approached the skyscrapers again Dragonclaw got control back. He stopped the descent, making Silk's fall stop along with his own.

The heroine quickly detached her webs and fell to the building before grabbing Dragonclaw's package. "Hah! Looks like I win!" She called out as she held the package up.

Dragonclaw growled. "Uh- you have seen the last of me!" He quickly flew away.

Silk rolled her eyes, realizing he was too fast for her to catch up with. She looked down at the box, wishing she could open it, alas that would be illegal. She was a hero now, can't go breaking every law she pleases.

"Guess I've gotta get you back to your mailman" she smiled at the box before starting to run back towards where the box had been stolen.

Word count: 1092

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