The Burglar

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"You look like hell" Cindy Moon quickly turned to see (y/n) Stacy standing behind her as she pulled a textbook out of her locker.

"I spent all night searching for someone" Cindy sighed as she rubbed her eyes before closing her locker. She was surprised as she suddenly got slapped across the face. "Ow! What was that for?!" The few people still in the hall were laughing or just shocked.

"First off you said I could do it" (y/n) spoke as he took a step back. "And that woke you up more didn't it?"

Cindy just glared at the boy. "It certainly did" she shoved her textbook into her backpack before putting it on her back. "You're the worst"

"Yeah Gwen tends to say that too" the boy shrugged as he and the girl started walking towards their first class which was about to begin. "You see Peter yet?"

Cindy frowned and shook her head. "I figured he would probably not show up, not with what happened yesterday"

"Oh. Yeah that makes sense" the boy sighed. "Gwen has been trying to reach him but he isn't even responding to texts. I was hoping they'd get the chance to talk today"

"He just needs time" Cindy sighed as she rubbed the back of her head. "He's grieving. He may as well have just lost his father. Everyone reacts differently"

(Y/n) nodded as they kept walking. "Whatever you say"


"Get over here!" The burglar ran as quickly as he could, chased by a man whom until a few minutes ago he had found entertaining.

The burglar quickly turned a corner and found someone opening his car door. He quickly pulled him out before getting in himself and flooring it.

The car zoomed down the busy New York street, scraping the sides of other cars as he grazed them, almost hitting people crossing the streets as well.

After a minute he had just begun to believe he was safe when he heard a thump on the roof of the vehicle, followed quickly by a red fist going through the windshield, causing him to scream.

He pressed the breaks and the car quickly stopped, sending the Spider-Man tumbling off the car.

As the arachnid was recovering he quickly hit the gas again and took off down the street and past the spider.


"Fuck!" Cindy's sudden outburst quickly drew the attention of the entire class. The teacher gave an amused look as Cindy suddenly noticed and put away her phone. "Sorry"

"What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked quietly as the teacher got back to teaching.

"I was watching the news. From the looks of it Spider-Man tracked down the killer and let him get away. There was a lot of collateral damage" she shook her head. "This is exactly what I didn't want happening"

(Y/n) frowned. "Everyone okay?"

"A few people hit by a car. Luckily no deaths" Cindy sighed as she started packing up her bag. "I'm going after him"

"Now?" Cindy just nodded in response. "I'll come with you"

Cindy gave a confused look. "You can't do anything to help" the boy frowned. "Stay here, I'll call you if I need anything"

He sighed before nodding. "Fine. As you wish"

"You're the bestest" Cindy pat the boy on the shoulder before quickly standing and sneaking out of the room as the teachers back was turned.


Spider-Man walked silently through the darkness of the abandoned building. He had once again found the burglar before chasing him in here, trapping him. "There's nowhere to go!" He yelled as he looked around for where the man could be hiding.

His spider-sense suddenly tingled and he turned before quickly throwing a punch to the man's face before he could down anything. The masked burglar stumbled back.

As he stumbled back the man quickly backed away, clutching his right arm as he did. "Get away from me you freak!" He panted heavily as he panicked.

Spider-Man quickly walked over to the man before grabbing his ski mask and pulling it off. "Y-you?" His eyes went wide as he realized who it was. "You're the fugitive who ran past me, the one I didn't stop" he watched wide eyed as the man continued to back away. "It's my fault" Spider-Man fell back on his ass as he quickly shot a web at the man, sticking him to the ground so he couldn't escape. "It's my fault you killed my uncle"

Spider-Man pulled off his mask, revealing the young face of Peter Parker. "It's you" the burglar spoke quietly, recognizing Peter from the pictures in the house where he had shot Ben. "You're gonna kill me!" he clutched his left arm tightly as he gave up on trying to rip the web that held him down.

"I-" Peter was silent for a moment as he watched the man lay on his back, as if accepting his fate. "I was going to"

The burglar was silent, no longer hyperventilating as he lay there clutching his arm.

"But-" Peter shook his head as he wiped away some tears that had started forming in his eyes. "But it's my fault that you killed him" he shook his head wildly. "I won't kill you. I'll never kill anyone, not again"

Peter watched the man as he continued to lay there. "Seriously? Nothing to say?" He asked as he stood up and suddenly realized what had happened. "No. No!" He quickly made his way to the man's side and looked him over. His eyes were wide with fear and he was no longer breathing.

The fact that he was clutching his arm was enough to tell Peter that the burglar had died of a heart attack. "I-I spared you" he shook his head. "I'm not letting anyone else die! Not even you"

Peter quickly placed both hands on the man's chest and started giving chest compressions in the way that his online classes had taught.

It wasn't working and Peter knew it. He stopped suddenly when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Get him to a hospital" Silk spoke angrily as her other hand held Peter's mask out to him. "What you're doing isn't working. I doubt they can do anything either but if anyone can it's the professionals"

Peter quickly took his mask from the girl and put it on before grabbing the dead man and jumping out the nearest window with him, then proceeding to web swing away.

Word count: 1091

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