Late Night

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"Mmm" Cindy clung to her boyfriend as she slept, dreaming of her exploits earlier today and the exploits to come.

"I don't know whether to say ew or aw" (y/n) looked up to see Gwen watching from their doorway, finally changed into her PJ's. The light from outside the room silhouetted her.

"How about you just shut up?" (Y/n) asked with a roll of his eyes.

"Touchy" Gwen laughed as she held up her new book. "Does that mean you don't want a bedtime story? You were the one who asked dad to buy us this"

(Y/n) was silent as he looked down at Cindy and pushed her hair out of her open mouth. "Just get in your bed"

"Do her parents know she's here?" Gwen asked as she closed the door behind her and walked over to her bed before sitting down.

"I doubt it. She usually sneaks out her window after dinner" (y/n) replied as he pushed Cindy's mouth shut only for it to open itself again a moment later.

"That'll end well" Gwen said sarcastically as she got under her covers and put her book lamp on the book after opening it up. "Do our parents know she's here?"

"Mom and Dad don't mind if she stays the night" (y/n) replied defensively. "They trust me"

"Mhm" Gwen didn't look completely convinced. "Do they know you're sharing a bed?"

That silenced (y/n) just long enough for Gwen to get her answer. "I doubt they'd mind. Even if we did plan to do anything we couldn't with you here"

"Ew, I'd hope not" Gwen shuddered at the idea.

"Just get to reading" (y/n) demanded as he held Cindy closer and cuddled her as they lay there.

"Right" Gwen nodded, now needing to distract herself so she never thought of that again. She quickly flipped to the first page of the book. "Contradiction: An introduction is to introduce people, but Christopher Robin and his friends, who have already been introduced to you, are now saying goodbye. So this is the opposite..."


(Y/n) was pulled from his thoughts as he felt Cindy begin to stir. "Mmm" she groaned as she rubbed her forehead.

"Go back to sleep Cindy" (y/n) kissed the back of the girls head and held her closer.

"No" she whimpered as she cuddled backwards into the boy some more. "Why are you still awake?" She asked without opening her eyes.

"Because I'm me" the boy replied as he rubbed the girls stomach through her sweater.

"Thinking about the end of the world?" Cindy asked with a yawn.

"How I'd try to avenge your death" the boy corrected her quickly as he continued to play with her tummy.

"Oh yeah?" Cindy asked as she enjoyed the feeling of his touch. "Tell me about it"

"Well not much to tell" the boy shrugged. "It ends up with me being killed. No way I could kill anyone that takes you down"

"Oh" Cindy whispered with a frown. "That's depressing"

"I'll come find you in heaven" the boy kissed her ear.

"Right... let's put that off as long as possible" the girl replied as she removed the boys hand from her stomach and held it between her own hands. "I don't know how you live with thoughts like that popping into your brain all the time"

"After a while you sorta become desensitized to it. Like if it happened in real life I'm sure I'd react more, but the death thoughts don't upset me too much. It's the other thoughts that are more upsetting"

Cindy waited a moment before realizing that her boyfriend wasn't going to elaborate on that. "Well you're definitely scaring me"

"Good. I don't like being the only one who's afraid" (y/n) replied as Cindy held his hand tighter.

They were quiet for another few minutes before Cindy sighed and let go of him. She stood on the bed before crouching down so she wasn't too high above the boy. "Come on. Let's take a stroll" she held her hand out to him.

The boy frowned. "I'm in my pajamas"

"Yes, you look lovely" Cindy once again held her hand out for him to take.

"We can't just stay here?" The boy frowned as he slowly sat up.

"We could" Cindy shrugged as she looked down at herself. It wasn't like she was dressed to go out either. She only had on the oversized sweater and shorts that she kept here now. "But I want your mind off of death and embarrassing things you did in eighth grade" the boy cringed just at the idea of that incident.

"Wanting to go out in New York City at night and not wanting me to think of death do not go together" (y/n) said simply, causing Cindy to sigh.

"You really suck sometimes" Cindy shook her head before falling forward onto the boy, landing face to face. Their noses touched just barely and their eyes stared into each other's eyes.

"I- yeah I know" the boy wasn't sure how to respond as he stared into Cindy's eyes, she realized from them that this here had sufficiently distracted him.

"Ugh" the two turned their heads to see that Gwen's eyes were now opened. "You two are disgusting... and very loud"

"Happily so" Cindy replied quickly before sitting up on the boys chest and looking to Gwen. "Disgusting you is the best part about being with him" she spoke as she held her hand out to the boy for him to kiss. He didn't kiss it.

"Don't mess with the poor girl this late" (y/n) yawned as he watched Gwen struggle to keep her eyes open. "Go to sleep Gwennie. This is just a bad dream"

"Mhm" Gwen didn't sound convinced but her eyes closed and she found herself fast asleep a second later.

Cindy looked to (y/n) and was about to speak again when she found his finger index pushed up against her lips, meaning he wanted her to be silent. "It's cute how protective of her you are" Cindy whispered before signaling that she'd be silent after those words.

(Y/n) nodded as he reached up and squeezed Cindy's thigh, making her giggle as he made a boop noise.

Word count: 1078

(And thus ends the era of daily uploads with this book. It was nice while it lasted. Made it 30 chapters in this time)

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