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"N.Y. fears costumed freak" (y/n) spoke aloud as he read the newspaper headline.

"Better not be talking about me" Cindy Moon spoke from where she sat across from the boy, enjoying the breakfast that she had crashed.

"Nah, it's the other freak" (y/n) spoke as he turned the paper for Cindy to see. "Look, Peter got this picture"

Cindy nodded as she skimmed over the article. "At least he's trying now, don't see why the Bugle needs to villainize him right away"

(Y/n) frowned and gave her a curious look. "Since when were you a Spider-Man fan girl?"

Cindy let out a small laugh. "I am no spidey-fan" she spoke as she finished her friend's cereal. "If anything he's a me fan"

"Sure" (y/n) rolled his eyes before flipping to the paper's comic section.

"Ugh" The two quickly turned their heads to find Gwen tiredly walking into the kitchen, still in her pajamas, her eyes still closed as she rubbed them.

"Good morning oh dear sister of mine" (y/n) spoke in an over the top fashion as he put the paper down. "Cindy is here"

"Nice PJ's" Cindy smirked as she looked Gwen over. "Pink with little hearts? How much more girly can you get?"

Gwen ignored the comment as she walked over to the refrigerator and pulls out a bowl of green grapes. "Did MJ leave?"

"Wait MJ got invited to spend the night and I didn't?" Cindy frowned as she turned to look at (y/n).

"I tried calling you but you didn't pick up" (y/n) shrugged before turning to Gwen and answering her question. "She's still here. Just in the bathroom doing her makeup"

"Won't be seeing her for a while then" Gwen spoke as she yawned before popping a grape into her mouth.

"So why is MJ here?" Cindy asked curiously as she took (y/n)'s newspaper and started reading the comics herself.

(Y/n) sighed, wanting to read his paper in peace but he answered anyways a moment later. "She fought with her dad again"

"Ah" Cindy nodded without looking up. "So another night of badmouthing him?"

"Him and you" that caused Cindy to quickly look up. "Or I'm just messing with you. You'll never know"

"That's cruel" Cindy huffed dramatically before looking down at her paper. "So what did you all do? Besides the badmouthing"

(Y/n) just shrugged, a gesture which Cindy only saw out of the corner of her eye.

"So is that your way of saying you stared at the pretty girl while she hung out with your sister?" That caused Gwen to laugh loudly and nod vigorously.

"That's exactly what he did" she spoke once she finally stopped laughing.

(Y/n) just rubbed his forehead as he stared at Cindy. "I did not-"

"You did" Mary Jane Watson spoke with a laugh as she entered the room, her hair and makeup freshly done. "Don't worry, it was cute" she reached over and ran her hand through the boys hair as she walked past him and over to Gwen. Cindy involuntarily frowned as she watched this.

"Ew, don't flirt with him" Gwen spoke as she stuck her tongue out as a sign of disgust.

"I don't mind" (y/n) shrugged which in turn caused Gwen to fake gag.

"Morning Cindy" Mary Jane smirked at the newcomer to the apartment. Cindy imagined MJ thought she was annoying her by flirting with the boy. That of course was not true... mostly. "We talked about you last night"

"I knew you badmouthed me!" She quickly turned to (y/n). "What did I do?"

"She just said we talked about you. She never said it was anything bad" (y/n) spoke as he stood up, no longer caring about the paper that Cindy had taken.

"Where are you going?" Gwen asked as she let MJ steal one of her grapes.

"I've been waiting for MJ to get out of the bathroom for an hour" he replied simply as he turned and walked the way MJ had came.

"You could have joined me" She called after him, again causing Gwen to gag.

"You were dressed, there was nothing in it for me" (y/n) flirted back before turning the corner. Gwen just covered her eyes with her hand and groaned.

"Enjoying yourself MJ?" Cindy asked as she tried to distract herself.

"Oh yeah. I have someone to flirt with and I'm making two girls uncomfortable. Three birds with one stone" MJ smirked as she reached out and patted Cindy's head.

Gwen shook her head. "I've told you already she's not into him, you're not going to make her uncomfortable by flirting with him"

"Right" Cindy agreed a bit too quickly. "We are just friends. Like you and Gwen"

"Oh?" MJ smirked. "So there is a bit of something between you?"

"Excuse me?!" Both Gwen and Cindy asked at once.

"Nothing I'd act on" MJ assured Gwen quickly. "You're pretty but I'm not into girls"

"I- uh-" Gwen struggled to come up with a response to that. "Thanks?"

"To be clear, if you wanted to make me uncomfortable this is a good way" Cindy added in.

"Noted" MJ smiled and stole another grape from Gwen. "But seriously, you spend all your free time with (y/n), it's adorable. You can't tell me there's nothing there"

"There's nothing there" Cindy replied after a very brief moment of hesitation. Gwen nodded in agreement although MJ still didn't look convinced.

"Alright so who are you into?" Mary Jane asked after a long silence.

"Nobody" Cindy replied simply.

"Nobody is into nobody" MJ quickly responded. "Except people who are using that as a lie"

"And aromantic people" Gwen quickly added in.

MJ nodded. "Okay, and them. So what's your deal Cindy?"

Cindy was silent for a moment before responding. "...ah fuck you"

MJ giggled excitedly as she was confirmed right.

"Ew" Gwen's nose scrunched up. "You'd really stoop that low Cindy?"

"And fuck you too" Cindy stuck her tongue out at Gwen. "If either of you tell him I swear I'll... I'll do something"

"Ooh we're so scared" MJ giggled as she shrugged. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with us"

Gwen just shook her head and had another grape. "Ew" was all she said again right before (y/n) entered the room again.

Word count: 1065

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