Big News

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Jean DeWolff was sitting outside the station smoking when (y/n) and Gwen arrived that afternoon. "Hey" she spoke as she noticed him walking up to her.

"You know I hear that's bad for you" (y/n) spoke as he pointed to her cigarette.

Jean rolled her eyes but nodded. "I think I may have heard that too. Your dad is inside. Said to tell you he'd be another couple minutes" she then turned to see Gwen. "You must be the sister. I'm Jean"

"Gwen" the girl was quick to reply before coughing and grabbing (y/n)'s arm. "Let's head in"

"Yeah" (y/n) nodded in agreement. "We're not good with smoke" he explained before leading his sister in and past Jean. "Enjoy your smoke while you've still got lungs to ruin"

"Will do" Jean replied casually as she put her cigarette back in her mouth and watched the door close behind the two.

"You've made a new friend?" Gwen asked with a smile as she looked to her brother again now that they were inside.

"I have, don't act so surprised" (y/n) shook his head as Gwen let go of his arm.

"She's not your usual type" Gwen spoke after a second. "A bit old for you don't you think?"

(Y/n) let out a small laugh as he heard Gwen say that. "We talk when we're both at the station, we're not making lovey eyes at each other all day like you and Peter"

Gwen glared at the boy before replying defensively. "I do not- we don't- shut up!"

(Y/n) laughed again as they approached the break room which was empty at the moment. "Touchy aren't you?" He pushed the girl into the nearest chair once they entered the room, causing her to yelp in surprise.

"You're mean today" Gwen huffed as she rubbed her tired eyes. "And you're one to talk! You do the same thing with Cindy!"

"Yeah but she and I are actually together" (y/n) replied without even thinking about his words.

"Wait what?!" Gwen quickly stood up and stared at her brother like he was a pink elephant eating a trombone. "Since when?!"

"Uh-" (y/n) was silent for a second as he realized his mistake. "Damn it. I meant to see how long until you noticed. This is what happens when I haven't slept in two days" he sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Not long. We got together at Harry's place"

"You should have told me!" Gwen giggled as she shoved her brother, making him stumble back a step. "That's big news! I need to have the protective sister talk with Cindy!"

"Do you have to?" That earned a glare from Gwen. "Fine, do as you wish. I'm to tired to argue"

"Good" Gwen smiled before jumping at her brother and hugging him. "Wait when MJ and I walked in the other day-"

"You can't seriously be about to ask that" (y/n) frowned as he cut off his sister.

"Well if you two are going to be-"

"We are not and we haven't" (y/n) quickly cut her off again. "And we have no plans to anytime soon" the boy quickly hit his sister in the arm, making her yelp in pain. "Now never bring that up again"

"Fine, fine" Gwen rubbed her arm as she pouted. "I just want to make sure nothing happens in our room"

(Y/n) shook his head. "If we're both still living in our parents apartment by the time Cindy and I get married then it may happen, otherwise you should be fine"

"Oh" Gwen replied before smiling. "Oh! Alright" she nodded in approval of the boys decision. "Good" she reached up and patted the boys head.

(Y/n) pushed her hand away before sitting down and closing his eyes. A second later however he heard the door and heard his dad's voice. "You two ready to go?"

"(Y/n) has a girlfriend!" Gwen quickly squeaked with excitement. (Y/n)'s head quickly shot up and he opened his eyes, although he didn't even bother to glare at Gwen.

Captain Stacy was silent for a moment before asking "you didn't already figure that out? Cindy has been spending much more time in our home than before, and that's saying something since she's always spent so much time in our apartment. I already had a talk about this with him a few days ago"

"He's a cop Gwen, of course he'd already know" (y/n) spoke as he noticed Gwen's look of embarrassment. "You've gotta be good at your job to be a captain... I think"

"You do" Captain Stacy confirmed. "Now are you two ready to go?"

"Yes Daddy" Gwen quickly walked out of the room, still embarrassed and wanting to hide her face.

(Y/n) just laughed as he watched her make her exit. "She deserved that"

"Don't be mean to your sister" the boys dad replied sternly. His frown quickly turned into a small laugh though. "But yeah. She just got to excited" the two started walking after Gwen at a much slower pace than she was going.

"Still, I don't like her just shouting out stuff that's none of her business" (y/n) replied as he crossed his arms.

"I'll talk to her about it" the old man patted his son on the back before walking past him. "You better hurry up or your sister will get the front seat"

"Ah! You're right!" (Y/n) quickly broke into a sprint. "Can't have that!" He ran past his father, grabbing his car keys from his hands.

Word count: 980

(I wrote a whole chapter involving The Rose and an anti-mutant protest before realizing I couldn't use it because I didn't want to take the book down a path I had set up with it. So you get this instead)

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