Ice Cream

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Flash Thompson had put it off for long enough, and Cindy had allowed him to because she felt bad, but finally he decided it was time to live up to his side of the deal. He had agreed to take her and (y/n) out for ice cream once a week and now he'd come through.

"What are you going to get?" The Bully listened to the two students walking at his sides talk to each other.

"I think I'll get peanut butter cup" Cindy replied with a nod.

"That's a chocolate, not an ice cream" (y/n) replied with a confused look.

"It's a both" Cindy replied as she shrugged. "And I'm gonna get little peanut butter cups on it. What are you going to get?"

Flash frowned, hoping this didn't prove to cost him a small fortune.

"Mint chocolate chip maybe? Or bubble gum? Or maybe cookie dough? So many options...Hm... I guess I'll choose once I get there" (y/n) answered as he then looked to Flash. "What about you?"

Flash just grunted in response.

"Sounds good" Cindy spoke as she also looked up to Flash.

Finally they reached the bully's car a minute later. "Ooh convertible!" (Y/n) smiled as he looked the Audi over. "Can we have the top down?"

"Of course we can" Cindy spoke as she slapped Flash on the back, causing him to almost fall down due to her surprising strength. "Right Eugene?"

"Sure" Flash shook his head but unlocked the car before getting in the drivers seat and pressing the button to put the top down.

"Sweet" (y/n) smiled before hopping in the front passenger seat.

"I'm the one banished to the back?" Cindy asked with a frown which just earned a shrug and a sly smirk from (y/n). "Meanie"

Flash rolled his eyes before starting the car. "Let's get this over with" he spoke as he put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking spot before putting it in drive and driving.

"Oh cheer up Flash, you could actually enjoy this if you weren't so sure that you won't" (y/n) spoke as he enjoyed the feeling of being in a convertible.

"Fat chance" was all the bully said in response as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Oh don't be such a spoilsport" Cindy spoke as she leaned forward in her seat so her head was between the two boys. "We're going to be doing this every week, remember?"

"How could I ever forget?" Flash sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "I'm gonna spend a small fortune on you two"

"Good thing you're loaded" Cindy said unsympathetically as she patted his shoulder. "We're just putting daddy dearest's money to good use"

Flash shook his head and remained silent as he drove.

It was silent for a long portion of the drive before Cindy finally spoke again. "You know I felt bad for you after I embarrassed you. Thanks for making it so hard to stay that way"

"Cindy, don't be rude" (y/n) put his hand on the girls face and pushed her back into her seat before turning back to face the road.

"Your hand smells like alcohol" Cindy's nose scrunched up in disgust.

"I just used hand sanitizer" (y/n) spoke as he slipped the bottle out of his pocket and threw it to Cindy, she quickly caught it. "That school is filthy"

"It is" Cindy nodded in agreement before using some of the hand sanitizer herself and giving the container back to (y/n). "Now don't push my face again" she spoke as she once again leaned forward.

"Don't be rude to the person about to buy us stuff then" (y/n) countered as he booped the girls nose. "Use your manners. I spent a long time teaching you those"

"Oh come on, it's Flash" Cindy crossed her arms as she motioned to their driver who was still silent. "He's spent all our time in high school so far bullying you and Peter"

"He's not that bad" (y/n) shrugged which earned a confused look from both Cindy and Flash.

"He threw a water bottle at your head during our trip" Cindy spoke and Flash almost laughed at the memory before remembering that Cindy had caught it.

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. "Okay so that wasn't his best moment. My point is be nice so we can get ice cream"

That selfish little comment earned a small laugh from both Cindy and Flash.


The three students walked silently around the block as they had their ice cream. Cindy and (y/n) had cones while Flash had his in a cup. "This is delicious. Thanks Flash" (y/n) elbowed Cindy who was right at his side.

"Yeah, thanks Eugene" Cindy glared at her friend before taking a quick lick of his ice cream. "That's good. You made the right choice"

"That I did" (y/n) glared back as he held his ice cream away from Cindy. She just innocently went back to her peanut buttery ice cream as if nothing had happened.

"You're welcome" Flash replied simply as he had a spoonful of his ice cream.

"Ah! A thank you from Cindy and a you're welcome from Flash. Ice cream puts manners in everyone" (y/n) smiled as he took a lick of his ice cream.

"Shut up Stacy" Flash replied but did nothing else such as hit the back of his head, so really it was a bit of an improvement.

Cindy just shook her head again before continuing to lick her ice cream. She glanced over to see that (y/n) was giving her a strange look. "What? You want some?"

"You've got ice cream on your nose" (y/n) replied simply. Cindy quickly stuck her tongue out and tried to get it but failed. "I've got it" (y/n) spoke as they all stopped walking. He lifted his hand to her nose and wiped it off with his thumb.

"Thanks" Cindy smiled before laughing as (y/n) took a lick of the ice cream that was now on his finger. "You little freak! I already offered you some, did you only want ice cream that has touched my skin?"

"Yep" (y/n) nodded simply and so overconfidently that they all knew he was joking. "Tastes better that way"

Flash rolled his eyes at the antics of the two but said nothing, instead electing to just have another spoonful of his ice cream as he looked elsewhere on the street. He hated to admit it but he was enjoying this just a bit more than he had expected to. He had expected them both to treat him like shit, instead all he got was a bit of hostility from Cindy and a warm and open attitude from (y/n).

He was quickly pulled from his thoughts by Cindy's giggled. He turned just in time to see that (y/n)'s napkin had flown out of his pocket and into the wind, leaving the boy with no way to clean up if his ice cream began to drip.

Word count: 1197

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