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Gwen Stacy lay in her bed, her pillow hugged to her chest as she stared up at the ceiling of their dark room. "You up?" She asked quietly as she glanced over in the direction of her brother's bed.

"Of course" the boy replied just as quietly, his eyes remaining closed. "You okay?"

"No" Gwen shook her head. "Ben Parker is dead. I've been overthinking"

"Welcome to my world" the boy replied with a sigh. "What are you thinking about?"

Gwen was silent for a moment. "What if our Dad dies? Or Mom? Or you?"

The boy was silent, deciding against making a joke about their parent's life insurance policy. "That's not going to happen Gwen" he spoke as he finally opened his eyes.

"How do you know?" She asked as she watched him, barely able to make him out through the darkness of the room.

"Because I overthink in ways like this any time I'm left alone, and despite that everyone is still alive the next time I see them" (y/n) replied as he sat up in his bed, leaning against the wall so he was facing Gwen.

Gwen was silent for a moment, seemingly not sure what to do with this information. "You think like this that much?"

"Well it's not always about family dying. About half the time maybe" the boy shrugged. "But yeah. Everything will be fine Gwennie"

The girl was once again silent before laughing quietly as she spoke. "We really gotta get you some help"

Her brother laughed as well. "Probably not the worst idea. How about you go to bed first?"

Gwen nodded as she closed her eyes. "Just make sure you're here when I wake up"

"I'm not going anywhere" the boy replied kindly. Soon enough he could hear his sister begin to snore as she hugged her pillow harder in her sleep.


Silk silently slid open the police station window and climbed in. Captain Stacy's office looked pretty much the same as when she and the twins would hang out here as kids, except now it was empty due to how late it was.

She quickly made sure the door was locked before walking over to the desk and sitting down. She quickly booted up the computer before trying to think of what the captain's password could be.

Silk's thinking was cut off as she suddenly felt the tingle in her head that she had named her Silk-sense. She looked up and was shocked to see Spider-Man on the ceiling. "So that's why the window was already unlocked" she aimed her fingers at the boy, ready to web him up if she had to.

The spider sighed, realizing he had been caught, before falling down to the ground and landing on his feet. "You're like me?" He asked with a confused look as his Spider-sense tingled.

"I'm nothing like you" Silk didn't mean to say that but she had seen enough of this guy to know that he needed to learn a few lessons about humility and responsibility. "What are you doing here?"

"Investigating a murder" Spider-Man replied with a dark tone as he held his hands up as if to say he didn't mean any harm. "I wanted to get into that computer but I couldn't get the password"

Silk shook her head. "Stick to acting Spidey. I'll handle crime" she sat back down in the captains chair and looked at the Lock Screen. She began typing and was happy to see that her guess had been correct. "Your kids are not a secure password Cap"

Spider-Man quickly started walking over to Silk but she shot a few webs at his feet, causing him to jump back. "You stay over there. I don't trust you. Who are you investigating?"

"I want to see if there are any suspects for the Ben Parker case" The Spider replied, surprising Silk.

"Okay" she nodded, acting as if she hadn't come here for the exact same piece of information. "And why is that?"

"Because he was murdered" Spider-Man replied, as if it were obvious.

"Right, but why do you care?" Silk asked as she looked up at the other, whose eyes widened as if offended or surprised by the question. "I mean it's not like you're a hero. You're not The Devil Of Hell's Kitchen or even one of those Punisher wannabes. You're just an entertainer, an actor and wrestler. So what's your relationship to the deceased?"

"He was-" Spider-Man was silent for a moment as he seemed to think over the girls words. "He was a good man. A better man than I'll ever be" he shook his head and Silk wasn't certain because of how dark it was but there may have been a couple tears coming through his mask. "I don't think someone who would take a man like that out of this world should be allowed to just roam free"

Silk was silent for a long moment as she watched the Spider. He was sincere about all this, she could tell that much. "I'm not giving you the info" she spoke and quickly held a hand out to cut off the boy before he could interrupt. "I've seen you fight, you're good in a ring but you don't know the first thing about the streets. So you're going to tag along with me"

"Tag along with you?" Spider-Man asked, not sounding convinced. "I appreciate the offer but-"

"This is not negotiable" Silk slammed her fist on the desk, startling the Spider. She then pulled up the Parker case file and began reading it over as she spoke. "I don't trust you not to screw this up, not to get innocent people hurt. You come with me or I do this alone" she pressed the button to print the files to the office printer before locking the computer as the printing began.

Spider-Man let out an angry breath but nodded. "Fine. Let's work together. You are..?"

"Silk" the girl replied as she walked over to the printer and grabbed the papers.

Word count: 1023

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