Home Invasion

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Silk smirked as she confirmed that the window had been left unlocked, that made this a whole lot easier for her. She slowly slid it open as far as it would go before carefully climbing in and onto the wall. She closed the window again before silently jumping to the ceiling.

She looked around the room before shooting five strands from her fingertips onto the ceiling she was standing on. She then positioned herself so she was dangling from the webs before slowly lowering herself.

As she approached her goal she looked it over. Mostly covered by the sheet it was still the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. It looked so peaceful like this, it would almost be a shame to disturb it. Almost.

Silk quickly lowered her mask and reached out to grab him, yanking him upright so he was sitting up. "Huh?" The boy blinked awake only to find a second later that his mouth was now met with the upside down mouth of his girlfriend. He relaxed and melted into the kiss as he closed his eyes again.

A minute later the kiss was broken and Cindy pulled her mask up again right before (y/n) opened his eyes again. "I didn't expect you to actually do that" he whisper laughed, his mouth stuck in a wide smile.

"I do my best to keep my word" she whispered back through her mask. That earned a skeptical look from the boy. "When it's important at least"

Silk gently dropped down from her webs and onto the boys stomach. "I'll clean those on my way out" she promised as she sat on him.

"Mhm" the boy nodded as without thinking he touched the girls lower leg, giving it a squeeze. "Lay down with me"

"Okay" Silk nodded before repositioning herself so she was now under the covers and cuddling the boy instead of sitting on him. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she leaned her head into the crook of his neck. "How was dinner with your dad?"

"It was nice" (y/n) whispered back as he kissed the top of her head. "We don't go out often, but when we do that makes it all the more special"

"I'm glad to hear that" Silk replied as she looked up at the boy.

They were silent for a minute before (y/n) finally whispered again. "That mask is really hot"

"Oh yeah? You like the idea of a masked woman breaking into your home just to cuddle you?" She asked as she moved herself up a bit and nuzzled her cheek against his.

"I do indeed" (y/n) responded as he patted Silk on the back. "You'd be surprised how many times I've actually imagined similar scenarios. I mean usually by the end of the scenario I'm dead but-"

"Don't ruin this" Silk whispered as she put her masked mouth against his mouth to shut him up.

"Okay" (y/n)'s whisper was muffled by Silk's mask and lips.

The two lay there in silence for another couple minutes, staring straight into each other's eyes, until Gwen whimpered from over in her bed. Silk quickly cuddled back into (y/n), resuming her position from before as they looked to Gwen in hopes she wasn't waking up. She just sniffled and turned over so she was facing her wall.

(Y/n) let out a sigh of relief and again wrapped his arms around Cindy. "You realize how risky this is? I don't mind risking her discovering our relationship but the fact that you're Si-"

"You wanted the mask, you get the mask" Silk whispered back as she nuzzled his neck. "Now lay there and enjoy this. Worst comes to worst I'll just jump up to the ceiling and hope she doesn't see me"

(Y/n) sighed but nodded. "Don't blame me when it happens"

"Oh I'm blaming you" Silk replied quickly as she kissed the boys neck. "Now shut up and enjoy cuddling a superhero"

"Vigilante" (y/n) was quick to correct her as he held her tighter. "You want to be a superhero? Join the Avengers"

"That's an idea" Silk nodded as she considered that. "I feel like Tigra's fur would get on everything in that tower though"

(Y/n) shook his head. "She's a West Coast Avenger and you know it" he whispered back as he ran his hand up and down Silk's arm.

"Nerd" Silk let out a small laugh before hearing Gwen sniffle again and going quiet.

It was silent for a moment before Silk sat up and grabbed her web that was dangling from the ceiling. "You going?" (Y/n) asked with a frown.

"No" Silk whispered back as she wrapped the web around her waist like a belt. "You were right, she may wake up. I'm going to change"

"You don't have any clothes" (y/n) frowned before watching as she pulled her mask off and stuck it to her makeshift belt.

"Not yet" Cindy smirked before getting off the bed and silently standing beside it. She got a mental image of what she wanted in her head before aiming her fingers at the bed. She shot out silky webs, carefully and amazingly making a beautifully simple white sweater in just under four silent minutes.

"That's fucking amazing" (y/n) let out a small laugh as he watched Cindy put the oversized sweater on over her outfit, covering her makeshift belt and mask as well as most of her costume.

"I know I am" Cindy smirked before jumping back onto the bed, straddling the boy's stomach. "Thank you"

"Mhm" (y/n) reached out and touched the sweater, amazed by how silky and smooth it was. "It's not even sticky"

"I can control that now" Cindy smiled as she took the boys hand and kissed it. "Less usual spiderwebs, more silk. Doubt Spider-Man can do this"

"That hack? No way" (y/n) shook his head as he caressed Cindy's cheek.

"Play nice" Cindy laughed as she leaned her head into the boys hand. "That's my partner"

"Mhm" (y/n) shook his head. "You're really sure you can trust him?"

"Absolutely" Cindy answered without even a hint of doubt in her voice. "Do you mind if I sleep here tonight?" She was quick to change the subject. "I'll get out before Gwen wakes up, just to keep our little secret going"

"Okay" (y/n) nodded, still not convinced about Spider-Man but letting it go.

"Good" Cindy quickly repositioned herself so she was laying in the boys arms now. "Hold me tight" she whispered as she closed her eyes.

"Of course" (y/n) squeezed Cindy into him and she smiled as she cuddled closer into him. "You realize though that I'll be up all night now since you woke me up?"

Cindy frowned and opened her eyes. "Want me to tell you a story? I'm not getting up to grab a book"

"That could work" (y/n) nodded as he kissed Cindy's head.

"One sec..." Cindy was silent as she tried to remember some of the stories she used to read to her brother. "Yeah... I've got nothing. Just enjoy sleeping with a girl for once"

(Y/n) sighed but Cindy closed her eyes and turned so her face was buried in the boys chest and that ended any possibility of a story.

Word count: 1234

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