Weekend At Harry's Part 4

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"Is Peter still asleep?" Harry asked, looking to Gwen for a response.

"Why are you asking me?" Gwen frowned as she glanced at the clock to see it was just past noon.

MJ was quick to respond teasingly in a singsong voice. "Because you love him~"

"Even if I did, which I don't, how would I have an answer to your question? I've been with you two all morning" Gwen huffed as she crossed her arms.

"Good point" Harry shrugged as they made their way to the back door and walked outside. "Still though, your think he'd be up by now"

"'Maybe he is" Gwen replied quickly. "This place is so big we probably just missed him"

"Maybe" Harry shrugged as he walked to the side of the porch and rested his arms on the railing. "Looks like your brother found the pool"

"Oh?" MJ quickly walked up beside Harry and frowned as she realized the boy wasn't actually in the pool but instead just looking it over with Cindy. "Well that's disappointing, I was hoping to see him shirtless"

"Ew" Gwen's nose scrunched up and she shook her head. "You're gross MJ"

"Oh don't pretend you wouldn't do the same if Peter was there" MJ spoke as she glanced back to Gwen with a smirk. Gwen blushed but did nothing else but shake her head.

As MJ turned back towards the pool she saw that Cindy had turned and spotted them. MJ blew her a kiss which was met with Cindy grabbing (y/n)'s arm and telling him something before they both turned and walked towards the group. "Here they come"

"Enjoying the view?" (Y/n) asked MJ playfully once they were in hearing range.

"Yeah, it's a nice pool" MJ responded quickly. "The two New Yorkers standing before it kinda ruined the view though"

"Mhm" Cindy jumped up and grabbed the railing before pulling herself up so she was face to face with MJ and Harry, something which shocked them both.

"You're going to need to take me to the gym with you from now on" MJ spoke as she looked at Cindy, impressed by her feat of physical strength.

"I don't go to the gym" Cindy said with a confused look. "I don't have that kind of money lying around" she reached up, now only holding onto the railing with one arm, and booped MJ's nose before going back to holding herself with both. "Boop"

"Sure you don't" MJ rolled her eyes before changing the subject. "You two have fun this morning?"

"Mhm" (y/n) answered as he walked up the stairs onto the porch.

Gwen grabbed her brother's arm before walking with him over to the others. "That's good. We were going to head down to-"

"Screw that. Let's use the pool!" MJ spoke quickly, cutting off Gwen.

Gwen frowned. "It's not exactly a warm day"

"We've got an indoor pool too" Harry spoke as he looked to MJ, interested in this idea. "Let's use that"

"Seriously?" (Y/n) asked as he walked up beside MJ and leaned his arms on the railing.

"You got something against fun?" MJ asked with a laugh. She punched the boys arm. "Pool party, let's do it"

"You go ahead, I'm gonna check out the movie theater" (y/n) shook his head as he looked to Cindy. "You want to come?"

"I kinda want to go swimming" Cindy gave a nervous smile. "Come on, let's join them"

Gwen squeezed her brother's arm and leaned her head against it. "I'll go watch a movie with you"

"And that's why you're my favorite" (y/n) reached over with his free arm and pulled Gwen into a hug. "But no, may as well go with them"

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