Reptile Part 1

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"Come down from there" Captain George Stacy sighed as he looked up and spotted the intruder who had broken into his office.

"Crud" Spider-Man sighed and fell down onto the ground. "What are you doing in the station so late?"

"Crime doesn't sleep" Captain Stacy replied as he walked over to his desk and stared at the Spider. "And I've suspected you've been sneaking into the station to steal information. You're not as subtle as you think"

"So... are you going to try and arrest me?" Spider-Man frowned as he remembered all the other encounters he'd had with the police so far.

"I'm an old man and you're Spider-Man. I'd have no chance" Captain Stacy replied as he shook his head. "I've seen you fight"

"Oh" Spider-Man nodded before sitting down in the captain's extra seat, sensing he had more to say.

"Instead, as your penance, you're going to help me out on a case" Captain Stacy opened up his laptop and was quick to pull up the files.

"Consider me intrigued" Spider-Man nodded and looked at the files as the captain turned the screen for him to see.


"This is absolutely ridiculous" Cindy laughed as she heard her partner talk over the phone. "We're not in Florida" she leaned back into her boyfriend as he played with her hair.

"It's not a gator... probably" Spider-Man replied as Cindy felt her boyfriend's hand pat her stomach.

"I'll give you attention in a minute" she turned and playfully huffed at her boyfriend after quickly covering her microphone. "Be patient" she then uncovered her mic. "What other giant lizards could it be?"

"I don't know" Spider-Man replied as Cindy tried to ignore how her boyfriend tickled her stomach.  "Maybe it's part of some species that was alive before humans"

"This isn't television" Cindy replied as she smiled widely, trying not to giggle at the tickling. "Be serious"

"...I was" Spider-Man spoke dejectedly. "That was just my first guess"

Unfortunately that was the moment Cindy burst into laughter, no longer able to hold it in as the tickling intensified.

"I didn't think it was that silly..." Spider-Man whispered as Cindy dropped her phone and squirmed in (y/n)'s arms.

"Stop that!" Cindy forgot the phone as she jumped, using her hands to do so, away from her boyfriend and to the other end of the bed, facing away from (y/n). She quickly webbed her phone over to her before holding it up to her ear again. "Sorry, laughing gas... wasn't laughing at you" she quickly lied. "Want my help?"

"Nah, just need someone to talk to as I search the sewers"

"Ah, gross" Cindy's nose scrunched up in disgust. "Need to keep your mind off the smell?"

"Exactly" Spider-Man replied as Cindy suddenly realized she hadn't been paying any attention to (y/n).

She suddenly felt a hand grab the back of her neck and yelped as she was pulled back into his lap. "Ah!" She laughed again as she gave in and cuddled into the boy.

"You okay?" Spider-Man sounded worried. "I can be over there if you need me"

"I'm fine! My boyfriend is just being a dick" Cindy glared playfully at (y/n) as he smirked and hit her stomach which made her yelp and laugh again since it wasn't hard enough to hurt.

"Oh. I can hang up. I'm sure captain Stacy would be good enough phone company instead" those words quickly confused Cindy.

"Wait why would you talk to him?" She asked as she motioned for (y/n) to stop for a second. He did as she asked, seeing her serious expression.

"He's the one who brought me onto this case. He's investigating some topside areas where the Lizard was spotted" Spider-Man was quick to explain, not sensing that Cindy was concerned.

"We don't bring other people into the spider stuff!" Cindy spoke as she sat up and frowned. "Do this on your own p- Spider-Man"

"He's a cop! And he's the one who brought me in" Spider-Man was quick to retort. "He can handle himself"

"He's an old man" Cindy replied matter of factly.

"He's-" the signal quickly cut out.

"Hello?" Cindy frowned and realized the call was over.

"Something wrong?" (Y/n) asked as he noted Cindy's expression.

"No, it's fine. For now" Cindy frowned as she got up and started taking off her clothes, revealing the Silk suit underneath. "I'm going to make sure it stays that way"

"What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked as he stood up and watched as Cindy put her mask on.

"Spider-Man got someone involved who shouldn't be" Silk replied as she made sure her suit was on properly.

"My dad?" She took a moment to wonder how he figured that out before realizing how much she had said out loud.

"There are lots of old men in the city that it could be" She was quick to reply as she jumped onto the open windowsill.

"Not that you'd be so defensive of" (y/n) replied simply.

Silk frowned before realizing that he was right. "I was under the impression that he was done with field work on active investigations"

"If he's in danger go and save him!" (Y/n)'s sudden outburst startled Silk. "Don't stand here talking to me! Go help him"

"Right!" She was quick to nod as she composed herself before jumping out the window.

(Y/n) watched as she swung off, biting his index finger as he stressed over what could be happening right now.

Word count: 939

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