Crime Fighting

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"Come on you big furry! Come and get me!" Silk laughed as she quickly snatched a bag of cash out of the hands of Dragonclaw before swinging away.

The criminal groaned before flying after her. "I'm- I'm not a furry" he said exasperatedly. "I never thought I'd say this but I prefer the previous nickname you gave me"

"Back to Pokémon-Dude it is!" Silk called back as she swung backwards and past Dragonclaw. She swung towards the bank before throwing the bag and webbing it to the wall. "Look man, how about you just head home? I feel bad that I keep defeating you"

"You don't keep defeating me! I beat you last time" Dragonclaw replied as he quickly flew into her, knocking the wind out of her as his wings hit her stomach.

Silk groaned before scampering onto the man's back. "Okay so you beat me last time, but you didn't even know what to do when you did" she spoke as she rested her elbows on his head. "You just did a little touchdown dance and flew away"

"Well... yeah" Dragonclaw frowned, not trying to shake Silk off as he flew higher and higher. "Would you rather I kill you?"

"Nah, you're not a killer" Silk spoke as she looked down at him. "I just don't want to have to keep hurting you"

"Then stop trying to stop me!" Dragonclaw replied as if that were the obvious answer.

"Not as long as you're doing this" Silk replied with a sigh before getting up, her feet sticking to the man's back. "Just know that at some point I will have to actually catch you, and I really don't want you sent to prison. You're to nice for that"

Dragonclaw was silent for a moment, taking in Silk's words. She took that moment to jump off of him. "Go home, put off your arrest until the next time I beat you!" She yelled as she fell downwards towards the city.

Once she was far enough down she shot her right arm out and shot webs out of each finger, grabbing onto a building and beginning to swing.

She kept an eye out as she swung, looking for any more crime that she had to deal with.

Eventually she noticed a block ahead that Spider-Man was swinging in her direction. She waved him to follow her before she shot out a new web and flew onto the closest rooftop. She landed in a roll and yelped as she hit a large metal thing face first.

"Ah, that looked like it hurt" she could hear Spider-Man cringing as he landed behind her. "You alright?"

"I'm fine" Silk groaned as she slowly got up and stretched her back. "Didn't expect to roll this far. I'm not perfect at landings yet"

"I get it" Spidey nodded as he watched Silk stretch. "I'm still not great at slingshotting myself into the air"

"Right..." Silk nodded slowly, pretending she had even thought to try that before. "You read the bugle this morning?"

"Ugh, I try not to" he shook his head as he sat down on the edge of the roof. "Speaking of which, mind if I get a picture? I'm a photographer for them now"

"Oh, sure" Silk nodded quickly as she watched Spider-Man open his backpack and pull out his camera. She quickly flipped herself so she was doing a handstand on one hand before holding out her free hand and sticking up two fingers, a peace signal. "This good?"

Spider-Man laughed and nodded before taking the picture. "Perfect. Very cute"

"Well I want it to be good for my number one fan" Silk smiled before jumping and flipping again so she was right side up. "I mean triple J, not you"

"Of course" Spidey nodded. "I still don't see why he's so hard on me and not you"

"Well..." Silk considered giving him her reading of the situation but decided against it. "Maybe he's just got a crush on me" she joked instead.

"Maybe" Spider-Man just shook his head before his eyes caught something in the distance. "Break in at twelve o'clock"

Silk quickly turned just in time to see something enter an apartment through the window. "Let's go" she quickly ran before shooting her webs higher onto the building. She swung before landing on the buildup and crawling down to the window, Spider-Man landing right beside her and doing the same.

She glanced inside and spotted someone in black leather walking around and snatching up as much expensive looking stuff as she could.

She glanced inside and spotted someone in black leather walking around and snatching up as much expensive looking stuff as she could

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"Wow" Spider-Man whispered involuntarily from beside Silk. She quickly glared at him as he stared at the girl.

"They're probably fake" was all Silk whispered back before climbing through the window. She took a second to wonder for a second how many people there were in this city with white hair that were under sixty years old, had to be more than she thought since between this girl and Felicia she had already met two more than she would have ever thought.

"They're not fake" the reply from the leather clad girl drew Silk from her thoughts. "And quite frankly I'm insulted. I thought you heroes were supposed to be nice" she spoke as she slipped a diamond necklace into her pocket. "Seems like you're just jealous and rude"

"I'm not jealous!" Silk replied with a tone that sounded a bit more jealous than she wanted it to.

"Just put the stuff you took back" Spider-Man brought them back to the topic at hand. "Please?" He quickly added on as he and Silk dropped to the floor before the cat burglar.

"Ah, so the television star is the nice one" the girl smirked as she picked up a gold watch and looked it over. "That's a first" she slipped the watch into her pocket. "But no thanks, finders keepers"

"Hard way it is then" Silk smirked under her red mask as she quickly got into a fighting position.

"Do we really-"

"What's wrong spider? Afraid to hit a girl?" The thief asked as she quickly jumped at him.

"I- kinda" he admitted as he quickly dodged thanks to his spidey-sense.

"Very chivalrous" she smirked as she landed behind where he had been standing a moment earlier.

"You're not in a relationship with her, you can hit her" Silk told Spider-Man as she jumped at the burglar.

"I-" Peter watched as the thief quickly extended claws from her gloves and swung them at Silk, who in turn just barely missed getting hit.

"This Kitty has claws" she spoke before jumping backwards and out of the window.

"Woah!" Spider-Man and Silk both quickly ran to the window just in time to see that the girl was gone.

"You should have hit her" Silk shook her head as she jumped out and started to search for the escaped criminal.

"...yeah" Spidey sighed and nodded in agreement before jumping out and helping Silk.

Word count: 1175

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