New Players

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"Mister Fisk?" The police officer walked into the office, tired of waiting in the lobby. He had come at this man's request yet he still had to wait for him to finish his lunch?

The man didn't even turn to look at him. He just stood there, his back turned to him, in his white suit. He chewed his food silently, not saying anything in response to the intrusion.

"You wanted to see me?" The officer asked, sounding, he swiftly realized, a bit too eager to get this over with.

"Yes, in half an hour" Fisk lifted his hand to his ear and hung up on the call he was on. The officer realized now that he had made a big mistake. Fisk still didn't turn around, not even granting this man the honor of seeing his face.

"I'm sorry-"

"Your apologies mean nothing to me. It's your actions which matter, and those so far have shown nothing but disrespect and childishness" the other man spoke harshly as he smacked his gloved hands together, making the officer flinch at the loud sound.

He wanted to argue, he wasn't the childish one here. He was years older than Fisk. He had the good sense to remain quiet though.

"You're going to resign when you get back to the station" Fisk spoke as he grabbed something from his pocket and held it in front of him, out of the officer's sight.

"Resign?" The officer glared at the back of the other man's head. "You may have the others-"

"Yes that's exactly the point" Fisk quickly cut him off. "Out of everyone I have on my payroll you are the least obedient, and you have too much of a conscience. You're a liability"

The officer was silent for a moment before shaking his head. "This is my job, you can't just take it from me. I have people to take care of"

Fisk silently put on the purple mask that he had held in his hands. "I gave you your chance. This is on you"

The officer quickly drew his gun but by the time he had Fisk had turned and already shot. He fell down to the ground, his gun falling from his hand.

"You should have done what I said" Richard Fisk spoke as he walked up to the dying man. "You would have made it out alive and very possibly with a new job if you showed that you could turn around your disobedience streak. Instead I'll now have to replace my carpet and your body will be thrown in some river, I won't even care enough to find out which one you end up in"

 Instead I'll now have to replace my carpet and your body will be thrown in some river, I won't even care enough to find out which one you end up in"

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Fisk threw the rose that he held in his hand onto the man's body, one last gift to a dead man. One last reminder that he had been killed by The Rose.

He put the gun that was in his hand back in his suit jacket pocket before staring into the police officer's eyes, watching as his life slowly left him.

A moment later there was a knock on the door and he called for them to come in. "Take his body away" he demanded of the security men as he rubbed his head through his mask. "Throw him in some river. It's old fashioned but I like the classics"


(Y/n) Stacy hummed to himself as he walked through the precinct. It was only supposed to have been a quick stop on the way to dinner but they had already been here for half an hour.

"Your dad stuck here too?" He quickly turned to see a girl who looked to be a few years older than him sitting on the desk of one of one of the detectives.

"Seems so" (y/n) sighed as he nodded

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"Seems so" (y/n) sighed as he nodded. "(Y/n) Stacy"

"Jean DeWolff" the girl was quick to reply.

"Aw come on! Your name is so much cooler than mine" the comment got a laugh out of Jean, achieving the goal the boy had set when he decided to say it.

"Your dad tell you what any of this is about?" Jean asked after a moment of silence. (Y/n) shook his head. "Mine didn't either. I even offered to help"

"Probably got a lead on some supervillain" (y/n) shrugged as he glanced over at the window which showed his dad and some others in a conference room. "So what's your deal? I've seen you around here a few times right? Your dad is the commissioner?" He asked as he noticed her badge. "Are you-"

"Not yet" Jean sighed and shook her head. "A few years ago I said I wanted to join and he said no. Then he thought it would be funny to go to party city and buy me a fake badge" she spoke as she tapped her lanyard and the plastic badge attached to it.

(Y/n) was barely able to hold back a laugh, something which didn't go unnoticed by Jean. "Okay but that is funny" Jean didn't seem amused. "Just a little bit? Maybe?"

Jean sighed and smiled. "Just a little bit. And only because I'm gonna join up anyways. I'm already almost done with the academy"

(Y/n) smiled and nodded. "Good, New York could always do with some nice police officers"

"How do you know I'm nice?" Jean asked as she crossed her arms. "This is our first conversation"

"Yeah, but some people you can just tell with" (y/n) responded as he shrugged once again. "And I like your hat"

"Oh, thanks" Jean smiled and nodded.

The two were silent for a moment before (y/n) glanced over at a clock on the wall and sighed. "We're supposed to be out getting dinner. My sister and our mother probably started without us"

"That's rough Buddy" Jean leaned back and lay on the desk, staring at the ceiling. "I'm supposed to be out with friends. It's my nineteenth. They all had to cancel"

"Okay you win the pity party" (y/n) sighed as he let out a small laugh. "Happy birthday"

"Thanks" Jean spoke before sitting up. "There's leftover cake in the break room. Feel like finishing it off with me?"

"Hell yeah!" (Y/n) nodded excitedly as Jean got up and he quickly followed after her.

Word count: 1055

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