Weekend At Harry's Part 3

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(Y/n) groaned and woke up as he felt something land on his face. He opened his eyes and wondered for a second if he had really opened his eyes. "What's on my head?" He mumbled as he reached up to grab it.

"Clothes. We're due for breakfast soon" Gwen replied as the boy grabbed the clothes and removed them from his face. Gwen was already dressed, she was currently doing her hair as she sat in front of a desk with a brobdingnagian mirror.

"Right" (y/n) yawned and got out of bed, clutching the clothes Gwen had picked for him before walking to the bathroom to go change.

Another minute later he was out of the bathroom and walking over to Gwen. "You look very handsome. Maybe I should pick out your outfits more often" Gwen spoke as she glanced over at him before looking back to the mirror and continuing to brush her hair.

"I guess so" (y/n) shrugged. He didn't think he looked any better than usual but he wasn't about to argue. "Any idea what the plan is for today?"

"I don't know" Gwen shrugged. "Breakfast and then I guess we just hang out? Norman's probably at work so we should have the house to ourselves aside from the staff" she finished. Brushing her hair before putting the brush down on the desk. "How do I look?"

"I don't know. Blonde" (y/n) shrugged, not sure how Gwen wanted him to reply. "Good Blonde I mean, not stereotypical stupid Blonde"

"Good enough for now" Gwen laughed before grabbing her hairband and putting it on. "Let's go" she spoke as she slipped her pink cardigan on.

"Mhm" the boy yawned in agreement as he followed after his sister. They left the room, quickly making their way down to the first floor, where they could already hear talking coming from the direction of the kitchen.

"I'm telling you-" they could hear MJ speaking as they walked. "I say they're together by the end of the weekend. Either that or they hate each other"

"Nah" Harry shook his head. "Those nerds are hopeless"

"Who we talking about?" Gwen asked as she and (y/n) entered the room, she was excited to participate in gossip so she basically dragged him in to speed him up.

"Hm?" MJ looked and saw the two enter. "Nobody"

"Could it be you were talking about someone here?" (Y/n) asked with a smirk which made Gwen frown and MJ just shrug. "How did you know I had a thing for Peter?"

"Is that a joke or are you coming out?" Gwen quickly turned to look at her brother as MJ broke into laughter. Harry just chuckled.

"It was a joke Gwen" (y/n) spoke, surprised by how genuine her question sounded.

"Well how would I know?! You being gay is the only reason I can think of for why you and Cindy aren't together yet" She got a bit loud and defensive.

"Nah that's just because he's afraid of rejection" Mary Jane spoke confidently as she stared at the boy, silently daring him to say she was wrong.

"MJ it's too early for you to be right" (y/n) walked past the group and picked up a plate of french toast which had been made just moments ago.

"But you admit I'm right?" MJ asked with a wide smile.

"Sweetheart you're always right" (y/n) replied as he sat down at the table, the others following his lead. "You're a people person"

"That I am" MJ nodded in agreement before they all turned to see Cindy walk in with a yawn. "Woah, what happened to your face?"

Cindy gave a confused look before feeling her face and realizing the bruise was visible now. "Oh, I fell off my bed and landed face first" she said as if it were no big deal.

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