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"And to nobody's surprise the Spider wins again!" The announcer spoke as The Spectacular Spider-Man tackled his opponent to the ground, knocking him unconscious as his head hit the ground.

"This sport is too brutal for my tastes" (y/n) shook his head as Flash, sitting to his left, cheered with the rest of the crowd for the winner.

"Well we wanted to try something new" Cindy shook her head, also not approving of the activity.

They hadn't expected to run into Flash here but when they had discovered he had the seat beside them they had reluctantly sat down. He was surprisingly much easier to hang out with outside of school.

"Is that the best New York has got?!" Spider-Man called out dramatically as he looked around.

"Alright folks! We got time for one more match" the announcer spoke as the next fighter entered the ring.

"Let's go" Cindy whispered as she looked to (y/n). "I get enough fighting with my night job" the boy nodded his head and they stood up. "We've gotta head out, see ya Flash" the boy replied with a short wave as he intensely watched the fight before him begin.


"Im not saying fighting is always bad, I mean I'd be a hypocrite if I did. I'm just saying that Spider-Man didn't need to hit him so hard. Probably gave the guy one hell of a concussion" Cindy shook her head as the two sat in the back of the cafeteria during a free period.

"I agree. Definitely should have held back more" (y/n) replied. "But that wasn't my question. I just asked if you felt like swinging by that cafe you like after school"

"Oh. Well then I'd love to" She smiled with a nod before getting back to Spider-Man. "Did you hear he also let some criminal go when he ran by him right outside where they had the match? He just had to trip the guy"

"Where'd you hear that?" (Y/n) asked curiously.

"Chatty police officer last night when I dropped off another criminal. Told another cop exactly what I told you" she shook her head. "This guy is a menace"

"That he is" (y/n) nodded before noticing Peter Parker enter the room. He glanced at Cindy who just shrugged before waving the boy over to them.

"Hey guys!" Parker smiled as he sat down beside Cindy and across from (y/n). "What is it that we are talking about?"

"Responsibility and people who could do with a good sense of it" Cindy responded as she picked up her water and took a sip.

"Flash?" Peter asked with a curious look to (y/n).

"Surprisingly not" (y/n) shook his head. "Don't worry about it. What's with the good mood?"

"It's just a good day" Peter smiled happily. "Finally was able to afford that new microscope I've been wanting"

"Well congrats" (y/n) nodded as he watched the boy. "You tutoring again?"

"That I am" Peter nodded although he took a moment to reply.

"Wait you did? How come I wasn't told?!" The three turned their heads to see Gwen quickly making her way over to them. "Which one did you get?"

"The one" Peter replied with a smirk.

Gwen had to hold back to stop herself from squealing like a little kid during the holidays. "You've gotta let me use it" she quickly sat down at Peter's side.

(Y/n) shook his head as he looked back to Cindy and tuned out his sister. "Her and science are like you and your fake celebrities"

Cindy huffed and crossed her arms. "Just because they aren't big in this country doesn't mean they're fake celebrities"

Gwen quickly leaned over Peter and snapped her fingers to get their attention back. "And I'm much more calm about this than she is with hers"

"Oh yeah? Who's better, Albert Einstein or Luna Snow?" (Y/n) asked with a smirk.

As expected both girls chose the answer meant for them before looking at one another. "You cannot possibly think a singer is better than-"

"A singer who is also a superhero! She's saving lives while your guy just said some science mumbo jumbo!"

Gwen gasped and Peter had to hold her back as she tried to get in Cindy's face. "You want a singer who's also a superhero? I can name one who everyone agrees is better than your choice"

"Don't you do it" Cindy growled as she got right back in Gwen's face.

"Dazzler is better in just about every way that counts. She sells more albums, writes better songs, saves more lives, hell she even looks better" Gwen replied before sitting back down in her seat.

Cindy glared at Gwen for a long moment before sitting down in her seat and smirking. "Well actually-"

The girl was cut off as the school bell rang, signaling the end of classes. "Perfect timing" (y/n) smiled as he stood up.

"Definitely" Peter agreed with a nervous laugh. "You want to come back to my place? Test out the microscope?" He asked Gwen excitedly before remembering the other two. "I'm not sure what you two would do but-"

Cindy shook her head. "Do your science nerd thing. We will... do something"

(Y/n) glanced at Gwen, curious what she'd say. "I'd have to ask my dad first" she spoke with a shrug. "But if he says yes then sure"

"Great!" Peter smiled as the girls stood and the group made their way towards their lockers, where MJ proceeded to join them.

Soon enough the group were exiting the school as Gwen clicked the call button. They were surprised when suddenly they heard a phone ringing.

"That can't be good" MJ muttered as she tapped Gwen's shoulder and made her look at what she had spotted.

Gwen stopped the call when she was the second to spot her father walking towards them. "What's wrong?" She asked quietly, knowing he was still on duty and he had never once picked his children up from high school before.

 "What's wrong?" She asked quietly, knowing he was still on duty and he had never once picked his children up from high school before

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"I need to talk to Peter, privately" the man spoke with a serious expression. Peter gave Gwen and (y/n) a nervous look before walking over to their father. The two walked until they were out of hearing range of the group before captain Stacy began talking.

The group watched as they talked. George Stacy was stoic except for a hint of pity on his face.

Suddenly Peter, who was facing away from them, took off running. Captain Stacy didn't go after him, he turned again to his kids and their friends before walking back to them.

"What's wrong?" Gwen parroted her earlier words without realizing it. "Where's Peter going?"

"To be with his Aunt May. She's at the police station" Captain Stacy seemed to struggle with what to say. "His uncle Ben has been murdered"

Word count: 1155

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