Side Effects

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When Cindy Moon woke up she felt refreshed and better than ever, which was weird considering she had passed out in the middle of the day on the floor. She glanced up at the clock on her wall and realized she was up an hour earlier than usual.

Cindy stood up and stretched out her body as she looked at her hand, surprised to see the bite mark from yesterday just about gone.

Once she was more awake Cindy put on a bra which was a bit to small before grabbing a shirt from her drawer and putting it on. She frowned as she realized she must have outgrown it since she last wore it. "Too short" she frowned but threw the shirt onto her bed before grabbing another. "Too short" she decided again before continuing on like this for a few minutes.

"Oh come on!" Cindy groaned as she crossed her arms. "You can't all be to short" she grabbed a sweater which had been a size to big last she checked and put it on. "There we go. Must have had some weird growth spurt"

Cindy quickly grabbed her tape measure before quickly measuring her height. "That can't be right" she frowned, she had been five foot four last week but now she was five foot seven? Cindy pondered this for a moment before deciding not to dwell on it.

She quickly grabbed her phone from where it had fallen and started to type out a text as she grabbed some new underwear and shorts. She sent the text, telling (y/n) that she'd be in school today despite how she was yesterday, and quickly got dressed. She placed her phone in her back pocket.

"Damn Cindy, when did this all happen?" She asked herself quietly as she finished putting on her socks and noticed the increase in noticeable muscle on her legs. "You look good" she hesitantly lifted up her shirt before looking down at her stomach and whistling "very good" she felt her newfound abs, they weren't to noticeable but they weren't lost in her fat either. "What the hell happened to me?"

The Korean-American girl quickly put on her deodorant before exiting her room through the window, she wanted to take the long way down and test out these muscles.

She climbed down the fire escape faster than she had ever done before. Evidently that was not the greatest idea because the old thing began creaking before suddenly it collapsed.

Cindy yelped as she fell and reached out for an open window. Her hand missed the window but she suddenly found herself stopped midair a moment later.

The girl stared in disbelief at the silky strings which had stuck onto the wall and stopped her fall, they seemed to be coming from her fingertips. She swayed a bit as she hung there. "I must be dreaming" she whispered as she looked down, she was now two floors above the ground.

After another moment of staring Cindy suddenly found herself no longer attached to the strings and now falling again. She screamed before landing on her feet a moment later. "Ow" she muttered as she looked down at her socks. "I need to get new shoes that'll fit me now"

Since she still had a couple hours until school Cindy internally freaked out about the finger strings as she grabbed her phone and looked through her contacts. Once she found who she was looking for called her.

"Hey good lookin', whatcha got cookin?" A smooth female voice asked through the phone.

"Mhm, tone down the flirting Fel, want to go shopping with me? None of my clothes fit me anymore" she spoke as she started walking down the street, keeping an eye on the ground so that she didn't step on anything sharp.

"None?" Felicia asked, Cindy could almost hear the smirk on her face.

"Almost none" Cindy corrected herself. "You coming or not? I prefer to have a shopping buddy if I'm going out"

"You're not bringing that boy toy of yours?" Felicia asked, referring of course to (y/n) Stacy.

"I'm not taking a boy shopping with me" Cindy frowned at the idea. "I don't want him seeing what kinda bra's I get"

"Send me the location of wherever you're going and I'll be there in a minute" Felicia spoke after a moment.

"Thanks!" Cindy spoke before quickly hanging up.


"Oh! Excuse me" Cindy turned to see that Felicia had accidentally knocked into someone on her way into the store. She quickly walked past him and towards Cindy. "Hey Cin"

"Hi Felicia" Cindy smiled as she looked through a bunch of shirts

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"Hi Felicia" Cindy smiled as she looked through a bunch of shirts.

"Well look at you, looks like someone had one hell of a growth spurt" Felicia smiled as she looked the girl over. "Guess it's been a while"

"Well it wouldn't have been as long if you would have taken me to Paris with you" Cindy fake pouted as she took a shirt from the rack.

"I missed you too" Felicia smirked. "How about I make it up to you? I'll pay for whatever you get today" she held up a wallet as if to show she was serious.

"Aw what happened to your old wallet? I liked the kitten stickers on it" Cindy looked over the new wallet, it was fancy looking but there were no cats.

"Oh I still have that at home" Felicia shrugged before suddenly spotting something. "Oh! Those will look great on you!" She walked past Cindy and to the shoe section.

Cindy went back to her browsing as Felicia picked out whatever she thought would look good on Cindy.

"So now that you're back will you be coming back to school?" Cindy asked Felicia after a bit of silence between the two.

"Sorry sweetheart, I've decided school's not for me" Felicia spoke as she walked back to her friend and held out a pair of shoes. "Try these on"

Cindy nodded and took the shoes before sitting down and trying them on. "Kinda tight" Felicia went back to find a bigger pair as Cindy took them off. "So what'll you be doing then if you're not coming back?"

"A bit of this, a bit of that" Felicia replied as if that answered everything. "Here" she came back with shoes half a size bigger.

"Thanks" Cindy took the shoes and put them on. "Perfect" she smiled as she stood up and walked around a bit to test the shoes out. She jumped up and almost yelped as she jumped three feet in the air. When she was back on the ground she looked back towards Felicia and was glad to see that the white haired girl was looking through some shorts and not at her. "What the hell is happening to me" she whispered.

Word count: 1140

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