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(Y/n) Stacy and Jean DeWolff sat in an awkward silence as they awaited their respective fathers to finish with work. Yet again they were forced to work late and their children hadn't been told before they had arrived at the station.

After another silent moment (y/n) took his phone out from his pocket and noticed he had missed a few notifications. "My friends are getting dinner. Want to know if I want to come"

Jean nodded as she watched the boy turn to look at her. "What? You don't need my permission to leave"

"I know that. I was going to ask if you wanted to come with" (y/n) shook his head as he texted his friends back without looking away from Jean. "You're a downer sometimes but we could use one of those in the group"

"Gee, thanks" Jean rolled her eyes but stood up as she readjusted her hat. "If we see anyone I know I'm going to say I'm babysitting you"

"You're not that much older-" (y/n) gave up and shook his head. "Fine. That's kinda hot anyways"

Jean quickly opened her father's desk and snatched his extra keys from a hidden compartment. "Let's take a cop car. Have some fun with this"

"Ooh okay" (y/n) nodded quickly as they started walking. "What did you have in mind?"


"Uh oh" Harry Osborn frowned as he looked in the rear view mirror and noticed the police car behind them turn on its lights. It was night so the lights were extra noticeable.

"Uh oh?" Gwen quickly asked as she turned from her position in the back seat beside Cindy. "Harry what did you do?"

"Were you speeding?" MJ questioned as she leaned over from the passenger seat to try and look at what speed he was going.

"No! I didn't do any-"

"Harry just pull over the car before you get in even more trouble than you're already in" Cindy quickly advised as she sat back in her seat and questioned why she was the only one with the sense to say that.

"Right!" Harry quickly pulled over to the side of the road, the cop pulling off behind them. "Shit" he quickly shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out his wallet before looking for his license.

The person in the police car quickly exited, hard to make out because of the low lights now that the police lights were off. The nearby street lights had been damaged in an anti-mutant rally so were inactive as they awaited repair.

There was a knock on the window and Harry quickly lowered it. "Do you know why I pulled you over sir?" The woman standing outside the car asked as she stared down at Harry and the not at all well hidden panic on his face.

"Uh-" Harry frowned as he tried to think of what he could have done wrong. "Is one of my taillights out?"

"You were driving like you were drunk" the woman replied as she crossed her arms.

"He was not!" MJ quickly argued from her seat as Gwen hit herself in the face and groaned.

"Have you been drinking tonight sir?" The woman asked before leaning over and glancing over at MJ. "Have you?"

"No ma'am" Harry quickly shook his head as he started to panic more.

Gwen squinted, trying to get a better look at the woman before breaking out into laughter. "You bitch!" Everyone aside from Harry quickly looked at her confused. Harry was too busy panicking. "Did (y/n) put you up to this?"

"You think he could think this up?" Jean broke her character and smirked. She leaned down and rested her arms on the windowsill. She grabbed her walkie-talkie and turned it on. "You never said your sister was here. She ruined the whole plan"

"So I'm not in trouble?" Harry asked as he finally processed what was happening.

"I didn't know she was there!" (Y/n)'s voice replied through the device before he got out of the car behind them and ran over.

"You should have seen your face's" Jean smirked at Harry and MJ. "Priceless. I couldn't have gotten a better reaction if I pointed my gun at you"

"Wait you have a gun?" (Y/n) quickly asked as he got to them. She nodded. "Can I-"

"You're not touching it" Jean replied simply as she unzipped her jacket and opened it to reveal the gun strapped to her side. She then zipped the jacket back up.

"You're no fun" (y/n) huffed before looking at his friends.

"I've had enough stress for one night" Harry groaned as he leaned his head forward against the steering wheel.

"Want me to drive?" MJ offered to which the answer was a quick and decisive no. MJ huffed and leaned back in her seat.


"So who was the girl?" Cindy asked Gwen as she glanced back at the police car that now followed them to where they planned to meet Peter and get dinner.

"She's always hanging around the police station. Hangs around with (y/n) whenever dad is working late" Gwen replied with a shrug. "Guess that's where he was when he got MJ's text"

"Is someone jealous?" MJ spoke from her seat up front.

Cindy rolled her eyes but didn't look back to MJ as she continued to stare back. "I didn't think he had any friends aside from us"

"He doesn't. She's an anomaly" Gwen shrugged as she watched Cindy with a smirk. "Don't worry" she whispered quietly so MJ didn't hear "she's old"

"Doesn't look old" Cindy shrugged. "And she has a gun"

"What does the gun have to do with anything?" Gwen asked with a frown.

"Oh come on, it made her look ninety percent hotter" MJ replied as if that were obvious. "Right Harry?"

"Don't talk to me right now. Just need to focus on not having a panic attack" Harry muttered as he kept his eye on the car's speedometer.

Word count: 1023

(Decided I'd try to write one more chapter before the holiday started. Chag Sameach!)

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