The Warehouse

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Silk landed atop a warehouse belonging to the police's top suspect at the docks as she waited for her temporary partner to arrive. It had taken a bit of digging through the internet but in this day and age you could find anything if you look hard enough.

"I'm here" she turned and spotted the red and blue suited menace. "Let's head in"

"Follow my lead" Silk nodded as she quietly leaned down and opened a skylight before jumping in.

She landed silently as a spider before looking around. "Wow" she heard Spider-Man landing behind her. "This is more than I expected"

The spider nodded as he walked beside her and looked around. "Looks like a storage unit that's been rented out to a hoarder" Silk gave him a confused look. "There's a lot of old junk" he clarified.

Silk nodded before slipping her an earbud out of a pocket before putting it in her ear. "Siri? Call Thing 1"

Spider-Man gave her a confused look but Silk ignored it as she listened to her phone ringing.

After a moment there was finally an annoyed answer. "Cindy it's three in the morning" (y/n) Stacy groaned, sounding like he had just woken up. "I just got to sleep"

Silk rolled her eyes before replying. "If it makes you feel any better you have my full permission to slap me the next time you see me. For now though I need you to hack into captain Stacy's computer and tell me everything that was stolen from the Parker house"

As Silk spoke Spider-Man went and started looking through the stuff.

"What?" (Y/n) asked with a yawn. "I don't hack"

Silk sighed before whispering once she was sure the spider was far enough away. "Just go snag your dad's laptop and check his files! I dropped off my copy at home, thought I was done with them for the day"

(Y/n) muttered something incoherent but Silk knew he was doing what she asked since she could hear his bed creaking as he got out of it. "Thanks Boo, knew I could count on you"

"I hate you" (y/n) replied as Silk could hear him typing in his father's computer password.

"Well somebody is cranky!" Silk replied playfully as she walked towards some of the stolen stuff and began looking around. "What's with that?"

"Did you not hear the part about three in the morning and you waking me?" (Y/n) asked with an annoyed tone.

"Yeah but you get to slap me tomorrow" Cindy replied with a laugh. "Can't tell me you haven't daydreamed about that a few times" it was silent for a moment. "Thought so"

Silk was looking over a fancy looking toaster when the boy finally spoke again. "Found the files. Looks like all that was taken were a gold watch with Ben's initials and May's jewelry" she could hear the frown in the boys voice. "That's not a whole lot to kill someone over"

"No" Silk replied with a sigh. "No it's not. Thanks Boo"

"Mhm. Whats with calling me Boo?" The boy asked, not sounding like he was sure he liked it.

"It's your code name now. Can't go around calling you by name while I'm Silk" the girl smirked under her mask, she had expected it to annoy the boy at first. "Gotta go now"

"Stay safe" (y/n) spoke quietly.

"I'm always safe" She replied with a smirk before lifting her hand in order to press the button on her earbud to end the call. "Spider!" She called out as she put the earbud back in her pocket.

"Found them" she turned and was surprised to see the man holding a jewelry box in one hand and a watch in the other. Ben Parker

"How'd you know what we were looking for?" Cindy frowned as she looked at the stuff.

The Spider-Man hesitated for a second before looking down at the objects. "Watch has a B.F.P. I assumed for Benjamin Franklin Parker. The jewelry box was under it"

"Oh" Silk nodded. "Time to call this in. The police can take it from there. It's their case after all"

"The police?" Spider-Man asked with a surprised look. "But we haven't taken down the bad guy yet!"

Silk shook her head. "We found all the evidence we need to put him away for a long time, in his warehouse. The police need to see this and then they can find him and take him in"

Spider-Man was silent for a moment. "No" Silk raised an eyebrow. "He killed Ben, this- I need to take him down. I need to be the one who does it"

"You just did, you found the stolen stuff. This bust is all you" Silk didn't question his strange behavior, she was running out of patience with this menace.

Spider-Man shook his head. "That's not- you know what I mean"

"I do" Silk replied as she crossed her arms. "I don't know what obsession you have with Ben Parker but you've already caught the bad guy. Leave it at that"

Spider-Man was silent as he put down the stolen items. "Who owns this warehouse, Silk?"

"I'm not telling you" she stared the man down. "If prison isn't enough for you then I think we both know what you plan to do when you find him. And I'm not going to let that happen"

Spider-Man was once again silent before aiming his arm up and shooting a web which quickly pulled him out the open skylight.

Silk was silent as she looked down at the stolen items. She quickly pulled her phone from a pocket and dialed nine one one. She told them about the warehouse and what was inside before hanging up and following the spider out the way they came. He was no longer anywhere in sight.

Silk rubbed her eyes, just now realizing how tired she was. "No rest for the heroic I suppose" she yawned before quickly swinging away and beginning her search for the spider.

Word count: 1021

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