Reptile Part 2

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"Ah! Let go of me!" Spider-Man quickly learned to phrase his requests better as he quickly found himself thrown through the ground above. "Oh, oh my back!" He groaned as he slowly stood up.

A second later the Lizard crawled out of the hole in the ground only for Spidey to jump on his back. He hissed and tried to grab at him. "What's with the coat? Were you bitten by a radioactive scientist?"

Spider-Man quickly yelped as the Lizard finally grabbed him and held him out before him

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Spider-Man quickly yelped as the Lizard finally grabbed him and held him out before him. "How about we talk about this?" The Lizard quickly opened its mouth and bit at Spider-Man.


Silk looked at her phone, tracking Spider-Man's location as she swung. She had gone to find captain Stacy but that was before the distress signal had gone off. Now she was conflicted.

It didn't help her attempt to come to a decision when (y/n) Stacy quickly called. She put her phone in her pocket before hitting a button on her ear buds to pick up the call. "What have you got for me?"

"My dad's location.I've tracked the phone and he seems to be pretty near to where Spider-Man is" (y/n) spoke before giving the location a moment later.

"Shit" Silk groaned. "Spider-Man needs my help"

"Screw him, get my Dad out of there" the words were colder and harsher than she had ever heard her boyfriend speak to anyone.

"But-" Silk was cut off as she heard something in the distance get smashed.

"He put him in danger. Spider-Man can handle his own mess while you do the important thing" (y/n) spoke. Silk was about to sigh and agree when suddenly she saw it, Spider-Man screaming as he was dragged towards the top of a building by some huge lizard.

"I see Spider-Man and the Lizard" Silk spoke, sounding conflicted. "He's in danger. Your dad wherever he is should be safe enough"

"Don't you-" Silk quickly hung up the call before swinging as quickly as she could. "Hey ugly! Over here!"

The lizard quickly turned before throwing the spider in his clutches at the rapidly approaching superhero. As Silk dodged Spider-Man she grabbed him with her web. "You okay?"

"I'm out of webs" he replied sheepishly with a nervous laugh.

"Wonder what that's like" Silk smirked under her mask before throwing the other hero onto her back and continuing her swinging towards the Lizard, who was rapidly approaching the top of the building.

Silk glanced down as she attached herself onto the building. She couldn't tell for sure if it was him but it seemed like Captain Stacy was about to arrive, hopefully he'd help evacuate the civilians bellow. When a giant lizard was involved she had no clue what to expect.


The Rose watched from the security cameras as it all happened. It was almost too good to be true. After the test subject had escaped the labs he had expected to need to hunt him down and have him discreetly killed.

Now however the beast was scaling a building that he owned, followed by two of the vigilantes that had just recently begun to get in the way of his plans.

It was as if fate was on his side. As if fate wanted him to get exactly what he wanted.

That building had been one of many that he had always kept rigged to explode. It was part of an overly complicated scheme involving tax evasion and money laundering that even he didn't understand half of.

It would only take one press of a button to bring the top few floor crashing down. He had been supposed to rig the entire thing to blow but he felt that would have brought more attention on him than his accountant said.

If the building had housed anything or anyone important he may have considered not pressing the button. Fortunately for him it did not. Some people would die but that would be it, nothing important would be lost.


"Hey Buddy" Silk arrived on the roof and stared at the lizard. It growled but she didn't let that put her off.

She had sent Spider-Man back down below to help with the evacuation of the area.

She slowly approached the creature, her Silk-sense going off more with every step. "Did the ugly little red and blue man invade your territory?" She asked gently. She had decided that since Spider-Man had been unable to beat the beast in combat that maybe she could try talking to it.

It growled again as it bared its teeth. It didn't attack though as Silk slowly inched closer.

"Yeah, he's annoying. I wouldn't like it if he trespassed on my property either" Silk spoke softly as she kept getting closer. She was almost close enough to touch it now, not that she'd want to. "Don't worry, I'm not like him. I don't want to fight"

The creature almost looked as if it understood her. She put out her hand and it nuzzled it, calming down. "Atta boy. I'm your friend" she whispered as she smiled at him and her Silk-sense stopped going off.

"Let's get you back home, hm? You want that?" The lizard nodded. She knew this wasn't the end. They needed answers about all of this, they needed to know what he was, they needed to know if there were more of him. But for now that didn't matter, she was just glad nobody was going to be hurt.

Suddenly she fell backwards and clutched her head as it burst into pain. It felt like a thousand of her Silk-sense going off all at once.

The lizard startled at what happened to her but quickly caught her before she hit the ground.

She screamed in pain before suddenly there was a loud noise below them and an intense heat. Luckily the pain of her Silk-sense knocked her out before she felt or saw anything else.

Word count: 1010

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