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"Please try harder to hold back" (y/n) Stacy rubbed his arm as he glared at Cindy Moon. "You almost took my arm off" it was their lunch period and they were spending it at the school tennis courts.

"Sorry" Cindy replied with a nervous laugh as she picked the tennis ball back up. She had served the hall and it had slammed into the boys arm before bouncing back to her side. "That's why we're here though. So I can learn to control-"

"Stacy!" The two turned to see Flash Thompson, and a couple of the goons he called friends, walking in their direction.

"What can I help you with Flash?" (Y/n) asked as he put his tennis racket down. Cindy just tightened her grip on her racket, slightly smooshing the handle.

"Need you to tell me where to find Parker" He spoke as he walked up to them.

"Gonna try to get payback for what he did to you yesterday?" (Y/n) asked, annoying Flash.

"You'd do best not to mention that again" Flash pushed the boy back, making him stumble before catching himself.

"Back off Eugene" Cindy demanded as she hopped over the tennis net and made her way over to the group.

"Cindy-" (y/n) was cut off as Flash laughed.

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do if I don't Moon?" Flash asked with a smirk as he stared down at the shorter girl.

"You already got your ass beaten by a nerd. How are you going to look if a little girl is the next one to send you running home to your mommy?" Cindy asked with a smirk.

"You really think you stand a chance?" Flash asked as he fumed with anger.

"If Parker can beat you then anyone can" Cindy spoke slowly as if to rub it in more. "I mean seriously Flash, Peter? You let Peter Parker humiliate you like that?"

"Cindy, this doesn't-" the girl put her hand over her friend's mouth to shut him up. She lowered her hand when she was sure he got the message and then looked back to Flash.

Flash's friends all looked at him, curious what he'd say in response.

"Alright" Flash smirked as he looked between Cindy and (y/n). "You want a fight? Lets fight. If I win you do my homework for the rest of the year"

Cindy smirked. "Alright, if I win you have to buy us ice cream after school once a week for the rest of the year"

"Ooh yes!" (Y/n) nodded in agreement, now no longer interested in mediating a peaceful solution. "How about it Flash?"

"You're on" Flash smirked as he looked down at Cindy. "I'll even let you have the first punch"

Cindy nodded, getting ready to hold back so she didn't accidentally kill the boy. "Everyone who's not me or Flash back up" she held out her tennis racket and (y/n) took it before walking away from the two. Flash's friends walked over to the area opposite (y/n).

"Ready?" Cindy asked with a smirk as she raised her fists.

"Try it sweetheart" Cindy quickly threw a punch at the boys face which he just barely managed to dodge. "You're fast" he quickly threw a punch of his own into the girls stomach.

Cindy felt a tingling sensation once again as the fist came at her. She let it hit her. Both she and Flash flinched at the impact. "And solid" the boy added onto his last words as he pulled his fist back.

"Scared?" Cindy asked as she ignored the pain from the punch. "I'm willing to accept your formal surrender"

"Keep dreaming" Flash threw another punch, this time Cindy elected to dodge it. She quickly jumped back a couple steps and once the boys arm was out she caught it.

"Your loss" Cindy shrugged as she quickly pulled Flash over to her and bent his arm in a way which caused him to inhale swiftly as he suppressed the urge to scream. "How's that feel Eugene?"

Flash glared at Cindy as he tried and failed to pull his arm away from her. "How the hell are you this strong?" He quickly tried to headbutt the girl but she pulled her head away just in time thanks to the tingling sensation in her head.

"Taekwondo" Cindy had nerve actually studied it but it was a Korean martial art form so it felt like a good excuse for her beating Flash. "Ready to give in now?" She twisted his arm more and he hissed in pain.

"Not a-" Cindy quickly threw the boy to the ground, causing him to yelp in pain. She jumped on his back and held him down. "Alright! Alright enough, you win"

Cindy smirked as she got off of Flash. She noticed his so called friends were laughing their asses off while (y/n) actually looked like he felt bad for Flash. This in turn made Cindy feel a bit bad, she hadn't needed to humiliate Flash that badly.

She watched as Flash rolled onto his back before offering him her hand. "You okay?" She asked softly as he stared at her hand before pushing it away and standing up on his own.

"Fine" Flash dusted himself off as he fumed once again. He glanced over at his friends who were already turning to make their way back to the school building. He looked back to Cindy before walking in the opposite direction of his friends.

Cindy frowned. "I'm sorry" she spoke just loud enough for Flash to hear as he walked off. She thought that putting the bully in his place would feel good but now she just felt bad for him.

She looked to (y/n), hoping the look on her face was enough for him to realize that she realized what she did was wrong. "You gonna tell me off?"

"No" (y/n) replied with a frown of his own as he walked over to the girl. "You look like you just realized you ran over a puppy" he held out his arms and Cindy fell into them.

"I feel that way too" she muttered before sighing. "I shouldn't have done that in front of his friends. I could have at least taken a few more punches"

"Those friends aren't good for him anyways" (y/n) shook his head as he pat Cindy's back.

"Well he's not likely to make new ones" Cindy spoke back.

"I don't know, I think if he tries he'll be able to" (y/n) responded and shrugged. "Who knows, maybe whoever they are will be able to turn him into a better person.

Cindy was silent for a moment before laughing. "Good one" she gently hit the boys shoulder, causing him to yelp in pain. "Back to tennis?"

Word count: 1143

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