Weekend At Harry's Part 5

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It was now Sunday and everyone was packing their bags for when they would be leaving that evening. "Dad said he can pick us up if we want" (y/n) spoke to Gwen as she threw her dirty laundry into a spare bag.

"He's not working tonight?" Gwen asked with a smile. It felt like he'd been working more often lately than he had been in a long time. "Good. Tell him we'd like that"

"Will do" (y/n) nodded before quickly sending the response to their father. "He wants to know if we want to go out for dinner?"

"Yes" Gwen answered quickly before (y/n) again sent the message.

It was silent in the room for a moment as both of them finished packing their bags. Finally the silence was broken by a knock on the door. "Come in!" Gwen called out.

Cindy opened the door and stuck her head in. "How we doing gang?" She asked before walking in. She made her way to Gwen's side before leaning on her. "Any movement on the Parker front?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about" Gwen spoke to quickly as she pushed Cindy off of her.

"Ah, none then" Cindy shrugged before walking over to (y/n) and gently jumping onto his back, hanging there like a baby animal would cling to its mother. "What about you? Everything good?"

"Yep. Everything is good" (y/n) pulled Cindy off of his back before pulling her in front of him. He glanced back to make sure Gwen wasn't looking before placing a quick kiss on Cindy's lips. "What did you need?"

"Just wanted to know if you wanted to go out tonight" Cindy spoke with a wide smile. "Pizza perhaps? Maybe some ice cream for dessert?"

"Already got plans I'm afraid" (y/n) replied simply, causing Cindy to frown. "Just told dad we'd go out with him"

"Oh, okay!" Cindy nodded in understanding, their first date could wait. "Some other time then"

"Right" (y/n) nodded in agreement. "For now though how about we go for a walk?"

"Okay!" Cindy smiled and took her friend's hand before looking at Gwen. "I'm stealing your brother" she quickly dragged the boy out of the room.

"Bye" Gwen replied simply as she turned and watched her brother get dragged off.


"It's weird, us being together" Cindy spoke as she walked beside her boyfriend. "It feels the same but with some added kissing"

"That's what I like about it" (y/n) replied with a shrug. "We already had a good thing going, why change it?"

"I suppose" Cindy nodded, liking how he put that. "I guess I just expected that things would be different"

"Well I'm sure the second MJ finds out she'll constantly be talking about it, so that'll be different" (y/n) said, getting a laugh from Cindy. "And if you'd like I could... well I don't know what I could do but I could try to do something different"

"No, it's fine" Cindy shook her head slowly. "I'm sure once we start going on dates and stuff it'll feel different"

"Oh right, because we didn't already go out and do stuff" (y/n) laughed quietly as Cindy rolled her eyes.

"You know what I meant" she reached over and hit the boys arm. "It'll just feel... more romantic"

"Ooh that'll be fun" (y/n) nodded and smiled. "I expect you to be the romantic one"

"Of course" Cindy nodded, knowing she was probably gonna disappoint if he was serious. "How about we split that duty?"

"Nah, it's on you" (y/n)'s dismissive, and hopefully joking, response caused Cindy to giggle.

"Ooh I got an idea" Cindy spoke after a moment of silence. "A very romantic one"

"Oh? What's that?" (Y/n) asked curiously.

"Well your girlfriend has powers" She answered quickly. "I can climb through your window once Gwen's gone to sleep tonight. We can kiss, we can cuddle, we could even prank Gwen"

"I'm liking the sound of this" (y/n) smiled widely as he took Cindy's hand in his. "Keep your mask on when you do it"

"Noted" Cindy spoke quickly, sure that her eidetic memory would make sure she remembered that request. Whether she actually did it or not would depend entirely on her mood.


"We had a lot of fun Harry" Gwen spoke, quickly engulfing the rich boy of the group in a hug he was quick to return.

"Yeah, thanks for having us" (y/n) agreed, deciding not to hug the boy.

"I was glad to have you guys here" Harry replied with a smile as they pulled away from the hug after a moment. "It was fun"

"It was" Gwen agreed as (y/n) picked up her bag as well as his. "See you you all tomorrow"

"Bye" (y/n) added on as they all walked towards the front door.

"Text me when you get home" Cindy whispered from his side. "Or just whenever you have free time"

"Of course" he nodded as Gwen talked to MJ and Peter.

"If we weren't waiting to see how long it takes them to notice then I'd kiss you goodbye" Cindy whispered, getting close enough to the boy that she'd kiss him if she leaned much further.

"Guess you'll just have to do it next time you see me" he replied as he reached forward and took Cindy's hand.

"I guess I will" she whispered as she stroked his hand, slowly moving her hand up his arm. "I'll break into your room tonight and climb on your ceiling. Then I'll slowly dangle down on a web to your bed. Then to wake you I'll grab you by the shirt and force you to sit up before giving you the best kiss of your life"

"I- okay" (y/n) whispered, pretty much speechless as he imagined that. Cindy let go of him before giving him one last smile and turning to walk away.

"See you tomorrow Gwendolyn!" Cindy waved as she walked past the girl and off towards the kitchen, quickly leaving their sight.

Gwen finally turned again to (y/n) only to see that the boy had quickly made his exit out the now open door, desperate to make sure she didn't see his blush.

The boy walked down the stairs of the house as his blush died down. He carried the two bags to where his father was waiting. "Evening Dad!" He smiled as the man opened the trunk of the car for him to put the bags in.

"Good evening sir" Captain Stacy smiled, emphasizing the word sir over dramatically. "You enjoy your weekend?"

"Yeah, it was fun" (y/n) nodded as he threw the bags into the back before closing it. "It was weird being away from home though"

"Well you'd have to do it at some point, may as well start with your friends" Captain Stacy patted his son on the back. "Here comes your sister" he said as he nodded at Gwen.

"Ah! Thanks for the warning" (y/n) quickly ran to the passenger side front door and opened it before getting in, securing the front seat for himself instead of his sister.

Word count: 1204

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