Black Cat

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"I'm here" Silk whispered as she crouched upside down on the ceiling. She stared at the window, waiting for her prey to arrive. "No sign of the Cat yet"

After looking over all the previous crimes that the Black Cat was connected to, as well as the crimes from farther back which the police now thought may have been her, Silk had decided to hang around the place which the police suspected may be her next target before dismissing because of its high security.

"No sign outside either" Spider-Man replied to her after a moment of silence. "I mean there's a cat down on the street, but not ours"

"Ours?" Silk's eyes widened as she heard the voice from what she assumed to be right behind Spider-Man. "I didn't realize I was part of your relationship"

"Ah!" Spider-Man yelped, Silk assumed that his spider-sense for some reason hadn't picked up that this woman was a threat.

"I don't really mind you but the jealous one you're on the phone with doesn't seem like threesome material" Black Cat continued, Silk could hear her steps as she walked closer to Spider-Man. She was sure she was doing that for effect and not because she didn't have a way of muffling her steps.

"I'm on my way!" Silk quickly shot her webs out of her fingers and pulled herself up and out the window. She tuned out Spideys awkward explanation about how he and Silk weren't dating. She had to hold back a rude comment about how he definitely wasn't her type.

Once Silk had swung onto the roof she hung up the call and landed beside her partner. "Give it up Kitty Cat"

"Me?" Black Cat looked flabbergasted. "I was just out for a walk when I saw this handsome little guy up here. I just wanted to say hello" she reached out and scratched the boy under the chin, much like one would do with a cat. That didn't seem to bother him as much as it should have.

"Jesus, have some self respect" Silk shook her head at Spider-Man which caused him to just look confused. "You I mean, not her. Don't let her do that to you!"

"Jealous again?" Black Cat smirked that smirk that made Silk want to punch her right in her perfect little teeth. "Are you sure you two aren't dating?"

"Definitely not" Silk shook her head. "Unlike you I have standards"

"Hey!" Spider-Man looked to Cindy with a frown under his mask.

"I need someone who can flirt, take an insult, and doesn't fall head over heels in love with the girl who has her tits popping out" Silk replied as she motioned to Black Cats cleavage. "Can you do any of those?"

"I'm not in love with her" Spider-Man replied confidently.

"Aw so our love was not meant to be?" Black Cat pouted with a hurt look.

"I mean- it can be" Silk smacked herself in the forehead the second she heard that. "Just return the stuff you stole and I'd be happy to take you out on a date" At least he asked her to return everything.

"Tempting" Black Cat shrugged as she backed up towards the edge of the building. "But no" she quickly jumped off the edge.

"No you don't!" Silk quickly jumped after her before spotting her jumping into the building through the window that Silk had exited through.

By the time Silk was inside the Black Cat had grabbed a few things and was making her way out another window which she had just broken the lock on. "She's out! West window!" Silk called, hoping Spider-Man heard and went after her at the same time Silk did.

She realized her mistake as soon as she hit Spider-Man. He had jumped a moment before she had the chance and therefore she hit him when she came jumping out the window.

"Ah!" The two yelped as they fell to the ground, their heads spinning. Spider-Man quickly grabbed Silk by the waist before shooting a web from his web shooter and catching them on the side of the building. "Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine" Silk sighed as she looked around for the Black Cat. "Ugh! She's gone"


"Damn" (y/n) spoke as he looked at the cover of the mornings issue of the daily bugle. "Spider-Man and Cat Burglar rob Fisk Tech" he looked at Cindy who walked beside him in silence. "Are you helping Pete get his pictures? I don't know how else he'd have gotten this"

"Hm? Oh, yeah Silk may be helping a bit" Cindy yawned and nodded. She didn't like lying to (y/n) but this wasn't her secret to tell.

"You weren't kidding about her" the boy spoke as he looked down at the paper and saw the Black Cat, the first good picture of her. "That's a lot of-"

"Can we not talk about this?" Cindy sighed and rubbed the top of her head. "This case has given me a permanent headache"

"Of course" the boy stuck his hand into his pocket before pulling out a plastic bag with a few different types of medicine. "Advil?"

"Two please" the boy nodded before throwing his paper in a trash can and then opening the bag and putting two in Cindy's hand. "Thank you" Cindy opened her mouth and threw the pills in before swallowing them. "Why do you just have medicine on you?"

"You go off and do hero stuff now" the boy replied as if that explained it. The word hero was in a hushed tone. "What if you get hurt? I keep a first aid kit in my backpack now too"

Cindy couldn't help the wide smile that now showed on her face. "You're the most considerate friend a girl like me could ask for" she reached up and ruffled the boys hair as they stopped walking and she turned to look at him.

"Well it doesn't help that I-" Cindy shushed him before he could say anything about him overthinking at night and just hugged him. "Oh, alright" he whispered as he hugged back and watched the people on the street walk by as if nothing was happening. Nothing was strange in New York.

Word count: 1055

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