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Cindy Moon's eyes shot open as she felt her Silk-sense tingling, something was going on. She quickly looked around, only seeing the fast asleep Stacy twins. She turned her head to look out the window but again saw nothing. The tingling in her head stayed consistent until suddenly she got a text and then it was gone.

"Weird" Cindy muttered before pulling her arm out from the covers and reaching down to grab her phone from the floor beside her bed. She sat up, letting the blanket fall slightly, and quickly opened her messages. "Oh, Fel"

6:45 AM
Felicia: Stopped by your place this morning. Where you at?

6:50 AM
Felicia: I took your Staryu T-shirt, if you want it back you better get back to me soon.

6:52 AM
Felicia: I actually need you, come on sweetheart.

6:53 AM
Felicia: Just realized the time, sorry. A bit off today. Text me when you can.

"Should probably text back" Cindy muttered before seeing she had another more recent text message. "Ah, this must be what set off my Silk-sense"

6:55 AM
Watson: Before Gwen tells u it was me I have to tell u it was her. Luv u! ;)

Cindy rolled her eyes and sighed. She sent Felicia a quick text back that she'd be available after school before putting her phone away.

"Mm" Cindy turned her head to see (y/n) beginning to stir. His eyes opened and locked on Cindy and he gained a confused look.

"Morning" Cindy whispered to him, trying to not wake Gwen.

"Morning" he yawned as he remembered last night. "You should probably put a shirt on"

Cindy frowned before looking down and laughing quietly. "You made me think I had forgotten my bra" she threw her pillow at the boys face before grabbing her shirt and jeans with her webs and pulling them to her.

(Y/n) shrugged and yawned as he watched Cindy put on her shirt. "What time is it?"

"Around seven" Cindy replied as she got out from under the blanket and put on the jeans.

(Y/n) sighed before nodding and getting out of bed. "I'm gonna go get dressed"

Cindy pushed her bottom lip out and frowned over dramatically. "I dressed in front of you, won't you do the same for me?"

"Ew" Gwen groaned as her eyes finally opened.

"Ew indeed my dearest Gwendolyn" (y/n) walked over to his sister and patted her head. "I'm going to go change in the bathroom. You wake up now" Gwen just nodded and closed her eyes as (y/n) collected some new clothes and left the room.

Cindy quickly put on her shoes before looking to Gwen who was slowly getting out of bed and opening her eyes again. "Please refrain from flirting with my brother while I'm in the room"

Cindy shook her head. "Best I can do is offer to flirt with you as well"

Gwen shook her head as she ran a hand through her messy hair. "Just get out so I can get dressed"

"Yes ma'am" Cindy nodded before walking towards the door. "I'm gonna wait for (y/n) to come out of the bathroom and jump on his back"

"Mhm" Gwen rolled her eyes before Cindy left and closed the door behind her. About halfway through Gwen's getting dressed she heard (y/n) scream in surprise before breaking out into laughter.


As Cindy walked with the twins her Silk-sense suddenly went off. They were about a half a block from the school. She looked around before spotting someone with white hair behind them, she couldn't tell who it was because she only saw her from the corner of her eye.

"I've got to do something real quick" She spoke up, causing the twins to look at her confused. "Just remembered, sorry" she shrugged as she started to walk backwards. "I should be at school in time, if not cover for me!"

(Y/n) nodded. "I'm making up something embarrassing if I have to cover for you" he warned Cindy. She just frowned before the twins started walking again.

After a moment Cindy's head was tingling even more, she turned only to find herself face to face with Felicia Hardy. She quickly looked down and frowned. "You're wearing my favorite T-shirt"

"I told you I'd be taking it until we spoke" Felicia shrugged.

"Right, but you're stretching it" Cindy frowned as she poked her friend's chin. "You can keep it, but you need to get me a new one"

Felicia shrugged but nodded a second after. "Whatever you say sweetheart. I need your help"

"Right, so your text said. It really couldn't wait until I finished with school?" Cindy asked curiously.

"No, it couldn't" Felicia shook her head. "I need an alibi" before Cindy could comment she continued talking. "I didn't do anything wrong, I just don't have anyone to back up that I was alone. They have no evidence aside from the suspect having white hair like mine"

Cindy was silent for a moment as she remembered the thief that she and Spider-Man had fought before responding with another question. "What are you being accused of?"

"Breaking and entering" Felicia shrugged, like she wasn't worried about the charges sticking. "Two days ago at midnight. I told the police that you and I were seeing a movie" she quickly held two tickets up.

Cindy sighed before nodding. "Alright, what do I need to do?"

"I knew you'd help me!" Felicia whisper yelled before leaning down and kissing Cindy's cheek. "You're the best"

"I am the best" Cindy sighed as she quickly wiped her cheek off, trying to remove the lipstick which was now there. "This better not come back to bite me in the ass"

"No ass biting, I promise" Felicia spoke in a suggestive tone. "Not unless you want it"

Cindy frowned and shook her head. "I hope I don't come off as strong as you are now when I flirt"

"Maybe if you did you'd have had a boyfriend or two by now" Felicia shrugged before taking Cindy's hand and leading her down the street. "Now come on, I need you to make a statement to the police"

Word count: 1049

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