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"Tell me of her condition"

The doctor glanced over to the unconscious Cindy Moon as he considered his words. "She seems to be recovering faster than expected, we don't definitely know why but we're assuming it's her powers"

"A safe assumption. But that is not the condition I was referring to"

"Right" the doctor nodded quickly as he shook his head. "We don't yet know the cause of her abilities but we think based on blood samples that whatever caused her powers was the same as what caused Spider-Man's"

"So they're not mutants?"

"No, they appear to have been born human. We've pulled up this one's previous medical records and at the time of her last hospital visit everything had been normal save for a broken arm" The doctor quickly answered as he walked over to the girl and looked her over.

The girl had woken up yesterday, that had been unexpected. She had ripped her bandages but they had quickly replaced those. Now they used double the sedative that they had before.

As of now her face was the only part of her that was not wrapped up, it had started healing the fastest and no longer required the bandages. Her burns were getting better too, although they were still visible. Perhaps the healing factor would help with that, perhaps not.

"Do we have any leads on what could have caused this?"

The doctor was pulled from his thought by those words. "These days it could be so much more than it could have been twenty years ago. Cosmic rays? Mystical totems? Alien experimentation? There are a great many things to consider"

"So no"

"So no" The doctor repeated with a nod. "We suspect that whatever it was may have been radioactive in nature due to the fact that she seems to hold low levels of radiation but-"

"Is she safe to be around?" The question was quick and held a slightly worried tone.

"Completely safe" the doctor answered confidently. "In this case it's like a banana. The banana has more radiation than most if not all other foods but by the time it would take you to die of radiation poisoning you'd have died long before from overeating"

"So by the time her radiation would begin to take effect I'd have died of old age? That's what you're saying"

"Right. You both would have. It's very minimal" the doctor confirmed quickly.

"Interesting" the word was quiet and contemplative, as if he was considering something.

Cindy groaned on the table, causing the doctor to quickly make sure she was still being sedated. She was. "Perhaps we should leave"

"Perhaps you should do a better job so we don't have this issue" the retort was harsh but the doctor wasn't about to argue with his employer.

"I'll have the amount of sedative she's given doubled once again" The doctor replied as they turned and walked back to the door which quickly sealed shut behind them.


Cindy Moon groaned as she woke up. She could have sworn she heard a door close a second ago but that didn't matter. All that mattered right now was that she felt numb, the pain she had last felt when she had woken up was gone.

She found that this time she couldn't move, this wasn't as bad as she would think it would be though. It still hurt to look up at the light though so she shut her eyes. She was definitely concussed.

In order to test out her brain and see how badly it was damaged she decided to put her eidetic memory to the test. She did her best to move her mouth around, glad to find it wasn't too numb to move, before getting to work.

"There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium-" she sang the song, The Elements, as quickly as she could, making sure not to miss anything at all.

Once she was finished she let out a sigh of relief. Her brain couldn't be that screwed up if she was able to remember the entirety of that song.

Now that she was sure that she was okay enough she decided to think about her situation. What was the last thing she remembered before coming here?

What was the last thing she remembered?

She frowned as she realized that she wasn't sure. She didn't forget things. She had always been able to call info like that into her mind without even thinking about it.

Had there been something with a spider? (Y/n) had been there, she was sure of that.

(Y/n). The thought that occurred to Cindy next almost caused her to throw up. Had he been injured the way that she had? Had he died?

Suddenly Cindy felt something in her arm. She felt herself grow more drowsy and tried her best to stay awake despite it. She was asleep again in a couple seconds.


Spider-Man sat in silence atop the building across from Cindy Moon's apartment building. Between her, Silk, (y/n), and Gwen he had lost four friends in one day. He wasn't sure if it was even possible for him to keep the rest of his friends while respecting (y/n)'s wishes. He wasn't sure he even wanted to try to keep them as his friends, (y/n) made a lot of good points.

Something caught at the Spider's vision out of the corner of his eye, pulling him from his thoughts. Someone coming out of Cindy's window. "No way"

The black clad figure turned her head and noticed Spider-Man staring at her. She ran a hand through her white hair before waving at him.

"Cat?" He asked as he tried to figure out why she was there. She was a thief, he knew that, but she didn't seem to have taken anything. What would Cindy even have that the Black Cat would want?

Before he could even figure out what was going on the Black Cat was sitting down beside him. "Howdy Spider" she spoke, although beneath her flirtatious tone she sounded a bit sad.

"Hey" he nodded before looking her over in search of whatever she must have stolen.

"Like what you see?" She asked with a small laugh. When Spider-Man didn't respond she sighed before shaking her head. "I just took this" she pulled a small plush Staryu from out of nowhere. "It belonged to a friend of mine... she's gone now" Peter recognized it, Cindy hung the small thing from her backpack. It wasn't the one she kept on her bed to cuddle with.

Peter felt a pang of guilt but nodded. "It helps to have something of there's"

"I'm glad you understand" The Cat nodded as she held the tiny object to her chest. She leaned her head to the right and rested it on Spider-Man's shoulder. "Your partner probably would have tried to stop me"

Peter let out a small chuckle at the thought of that. "Yeah... she didn't like you very much"

"I got that impression too" Black Cat snickered as she glanced up at the mask of the man she was leaning on. "You mind if we stay like this for a while?"

"We could both use the company" Spider-Man nodded as he put his arm around her shoulder. He realized now that he was wrong, he couldn't leave his friends, or if he did he needed to make new ones. He wasn't sure how people lived without them when it felt so much better to have people.

Even just cuddling with a thief on a rooftop felt better than being alone, and this was someone who would probably pick his pockets if he hadn't hidden them so well in his suit.

Word count: 1296

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