Death In The Family Part 2

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(Y/n) held Gwen's hand as tightly as he could as the funeral wrapped up. He hadn't heard most of it, he still couldn't believe this was happening. He couldn't believe he was gone. He couldn't believe the one responsible had the nerve to show up to the funeral.

It took all the self control that (y/n) had not to run over to Peter Parker and beat him half to death right in front of everyone here. It was a pleasant daydream though, the first pleasant thought (y/n) had had since this tragedy had occurred.

"(Y/n)" he heard Gwen's soft and sad voice speak. "It's over" he looked around and realized she was right, people had come up to them and said their condolences as he was spaced out, now most people were leaving.

(Y/n) nodded sadly as he turned his head so he could no longer see Peter and Aunt May, talking to their mother, and he instead only saw Gwen. "You okay?" He whispered the question.

"I'm fine" Gwen lied with a soft smile and a nod. She pulled her brother into a hug which she could tell he needed. "I'm glad all of our friends made it"

"Me too" (y/n) answered honestly. Peter wasn't his friend anymore, but he was glad Mary Jane, Harry, and Jean could make it. He noticed MJ and Harry walking towards them and decided to speak. "I have to say something to someone. Do you mind if I leave you alone for a second?"

Gwen nodded as she broke the hug. "Of course. Go"

(Y/n) nodded and walked off before their friends could speak to him. He didn't like to leave Gwen alone but with their friends she should be safe.

(Y/n) didn't even process what he was doing as he engaged in conversation with his mother, Aunt May, and Peter. He was quick to excuse himself and Peter before grabbing the boys shoulder and leading him far away from everyone else.

Peter seemed wary, and (y/n) guessed his Spider-sense was tingling like crazy. "You shouldn't have come here Peter" (y/n) spoke, his voice seething with hatred.

"(Y/n)-" Peter started only to have to stop as he quickly dodged a punch from his friend. "Please-"

(Y/n) punched him in the face, only succeeding this time because the bullet wound that had yet to fully heal caused Peter to flinch. He grabbed the boy by his wounded shoulder and squeezed it. "Everybody around you dies Peter. Your uncle, my dad, Silk... Cindy"

"Cindy?" Peter asked, wide eyed. He didn't know. Of course he didn't know. His ignorance just annoyed (y/n) more.

He squeezed the wound harder causing Peter to do his best to hold in a scream of pain. "I don't want to see you again. Ever" he let go of him finally. "And don't you dare go near Gwen unless you absolutely have to. I- I won't let her be the next to-" the boy covered his face so Peter couldn't see him cry. He didn't want his enemy to see him cry.

"I- I won't" Peter spoke as he watched (y/n) with a frown. This boy had shot him and somehow Peter still felt bad for him. "I'll stay away"

"I hate you..." (y/n) whispered as he cried into his hand. "H-how could you Peter?" The question made Peter's blood run cold as (y/n) wiped his tears away and stared into his soul. "You know what it's like to lose a father, and you put ours in danger. You killed him"

"He was-" Peter shook his head, realizing that was absolutely the wrong thing to say. "I'm sorry" was all he said.

(Y/n)'s sad expression turned into a furious frown. "If I were you I'd kill myself" he said simply and coldly, making Peter feel infinitely worse than he already did. It didn't sound like an insult, just his friend saying something that he truly meant. "As long as you're alive you're putting your Aunt May in danger"

Peter watched as (y/n) prepared to punch him one more time before lowering his fist and sighing. "Every time I look at you I just want to hurt you. I don't like that. Please just stay away so I don't have to keep thinking this way" he turned away and started walking back towards his sister and friends.

"I'll stay away" Peter repeated quietly with a sigh. He knew what the boy was going through, the only difference between him and Peter was that Peter had actually gone and caused the death of his uncles killer, unintentional though that may have been. (Y/n) was right, Peter had a lot of blood on his hands.

Once (y/n) got back to them he grabbed Gwen's hand and held it tightly in his own. "Hey" he whispered, drawing the attention of MJ and Harry away from the grave they had just been staring at.

"Hey" MJ whispered as she for the first time today got a good look at the boy. He looked as horrible as she had imagined. She decided to forgo the traditional sorry in favor of just hugging him.

(Y/n) was quick to hug her back as he buried his tear filled face into her shoulder. "Thank you for coming" he whispered, sparing Harry a glance and a nod before just closing his eyes as he buried his face once more into MJ.

"Of course" Mary Jane rubbed the boys back as she glanced over at Gwen. She was bad but he was definitely worse and everyone here knew it. She wasn't sure exactly what to do here.

Gwen stared down at her shoes as her brother clutched her hand, hurting her slightly with how tight his grip was. She didn't mind, he was scared and she was his big sister, she needed to comfort him. "You do what you needed to?" She asked him with a kind tone.

"Yes" he said simply and coldly as he sniffled and cried into MJ's shoulder. "I-I want to go home now..."

"Okay" MJ nodded quickly as she glanced over at the boys mom. She didn't seem ready to go just yet. "Harry can drive you back"

Harry was quick to nod. "Of course. Whatever you need"

"Thank you" (y/n) whispered as he pulled away from MJ and wiped his tears away. He glanced at Gwen who in turn nodded, signaling she'd go home with him too.

Word count: 1099

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