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In a world where everyone receives a 'role' that decides their future, Ice was given the role 'hero'.

It is one of the rare roles and a very respected ones. He was loved by all and respected, knowing he'd grow up to be a good person.

His twin Blaze however, received the role 'villian' and therefore was treated horribly. Even when he hadn't done anything wrong yet. That powerful were this 'roles' in thos society.

While everyone hated or feared Blaze, Ice loved his twin. Even when he'd often push him away, deep down he still cares about him. No matter what, Blaze is his twin.

On one particular day, Ice was waiting for his troublesome twin as usual since it was time to go home from school.

He waited, waited and waited. But his twin never came.

Frustrated, Ice went to look for him. On his way, he thoughts of way to 'get back' on Blaze for making wait as he felt that was fair for reducing his freetime.

However, those thoughts dissappeared the moment he saw his twin being held down by a group of teens. Bruises covered his rough skin with blood flowing down his jaw.

In that moment, everything stopped for him. His only focus was his twin. Pinned to the ground and severely injured.

"Pathetic!"One of the teens mocked with delight.

Blaze only glared, wanting to beat him up but he was sadly outnumbered by 10 people. Sure, he could easily use his powers to defeat them but it was bad enough already for him that he was born with a 'villian' role. He didn't need to scare people and make himself into an even bigger threat.

Not even a second later, his cherry eyes widen upon seeing his 'hero' labelled twin pinning the said teen to the ground and punching him angrily.

"Wha- are you craz!?"Someone shouted and was frozen the moment after. In fact, all of the teens were now frozen.

"Ice...?"Blaze let out, not believing his eyes. His calm and cool headed twin had just beat up and froze a group of teen like a crazy maniac!

The latter turned to him with his cold stare, sending shivers down the beaten up twin. "You could've easily beaten them up." He said, his voice cold and unforgiving.

"Yes, but-"He became shocked once again when the role over his twin's head changed into 'anti-hero'. "You're role.."

Ice glanced at it for a short second before pulling Blaze out of school. "Who cares about that crap."

Blaze blinked a few times, processing what had just happen. And when he finally did, he smiled bright and hugged his twin which he immediately regretted as his injuries stung.

"And that's why you don't get into fights",Ice scolded and continued to pull him.

"Pfft, said the one who just beat up some dudes",Blaze chuckled and smiled happily as he lets himself be dragged home.

A new AU yet again!

No, I don’t have a name for it. Hope you liked it ^^

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