Chapter 2: Introduction/Late Prologue

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Born in Yamanashi, Japan, this mc of the day had a loving family, but not a loving life.

He was constantly bullied in school because he was weak and fragile, but it is not that he is too poor to buy food, it is because of the virus that he got infected by during his young age.

Now you may be wondering, "Why didn't his parents do something?" Let me explain.

In this fantasy universe, the willow project has commenced already, it is already 2060(I wrote "already" because the time I wrote this was in 2023), 3 years after the project ended.

As expected, there were side effects, very bad ones. It was so bad that no one could predict it, literally no one.

The Willow Project in Alaska increased global warming and made the ice in Antarctica melt way faster, unleashing a deadly virus that had been hidden and trapped under the ice.

Now a new virus has struck the world, not only do humans now have to solve global warming way faster than normal, they have to face something worse than all the viruses humanity have encountered combined together.

The Willow's Death, or Pale Virus, as what the humans named it, has the ability to pass onto plants and animals without any consequence. However, once inside a human organism, it will slowly kill the infected human and weaken them as the disease becomes stronger in their body.

Paling of the skin, short breaths and weakness are only some of the most visible symptoms of the virus. The incubation period of it is unknown, but it could be anywhere between a few seconds to a few years.

Soon after the most noticeable effects are present, the infected individual will cough out blood before succumbing and dying while slipping towards what can only be described as a "coma" shortly after.

In response to this discovery, humans hurriedly made a temporary blocker, which stops the virus from killing you for a few days.

People were not forced just to wear normal masks, they were forced to wear high tech masks. Because of how strong the virus is, stronger and more efficient masks are needed.

The first plague in 2055 was deadly, 9 billion humans have died from the virus, only 1 billion left(In 2049, the human population went up to 10 billion), it has since grown back to 9 billion

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The first plague in 2055 was deadly, 9 billion humans have died from the virus, only 1 billion left(In 2049, the human population went up to 10 billion), it has since grown back to 9 billion.

After the first plague ended, the virus has almost gone extinct, but some people are still infected.

Tho the virus has almost gone extinct, it is still extremely deadly.

In order to tackle this virus, the humans tried to combine animal genes to human genes to create a being that is immune to the Willow's Death in 2049, a few months after its discovery. Apparently animals were immune to the disease.

At first the experiments were a failure, then humans tried using latex, success, then the humans figured out how to use other stuff, the experiment to make a being capable of living with the virus was a big success.

Now the humans just need to insert their brain into the new body or change their body right?

But no, it wasn't so easy. The anthro being (yes it's an anthro animal aka furry) has gained its own consciousness. The humans were frightened of the anthro being, but for what? That's something you would know later in the story, but as you know humans, when another human with a higher level declares something, most of the time, all the other humans would believe it.

The declaration was that these furry creatures...

were dangerous.


no explanation was needed as it was instantly believed.

Despite this, the humans continued creating more furries, hoping that they would eventually create one without a consciousness.

So this mc of the day got the Willow's Death, but thanks to the temporary blocker, he managed to survive 9 years with the virus in him.

He was the only one that has the Pale Virus in his class, humans being humans, they hate differences (I think I might have revealed why humans hate furries so much) so he was bullied.

His military dad died during a defence against the dangerous furry creatures, and his mom worked as a furry experimenter. Yes, apparently the furries were seen more dangerous over the years and was used as lab rats when captured.

In short, there is currently no 100% successful way to cure the virus in this mc without any consequences, it can only be temporarily restrained with a blocker, so his parents couldn't do anything.

And now that you know this story is happening in another universe, you will notice a lot of things and places that may not exist in your present universe, but it is safe to say that there are skyscrapers at ALMOST ALL the places.

(Credits to Snow Dragon, the creator of Changed puzzle game for the virus lor. Yes, Changed characters are involved in this universe, it is a fanfic after all.

no fetish included dw)


I absolutely love giving Easter Eggs b( ̄▽ ̄)d 

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I absolutely love giving Easter Eggs b( ̄▽ ̄)d

Now finally after a long introduction, I present to you the main story...

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