Chapter 70: Communicating with Robots

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Narrator: 2 days later, 30 November, 12am, in the middle of the ocean, halfway there.

Neon lays on the roof, awaked, unable to sleep, the boat automatically driving and making a soft humming sound.

Neon: I can't sleep again... just like almost everyday... if I actually by a miracle manage to fall asleep, I would end up in that nightmare again... then I won't get energy from that sleep... I can't believe I have to use sunlight to have enough energy... (Neon uses solar panels too)

Narrator: Neon scooched to the side and looked at Lemon sleeping peacefully on the sofa, then scooched back and looked at the multiple stars and beautiful night sky that are now visible, he was in the middle of a non light polluted place after all.

Neon: How beautiful...

...2 more days, just 2 more days, 1 day till I reach Antarctica, and minimum 1 more day till I reach Troll Station, then I'll start searching.

Narrator: A soft beep from Neon's visor, a message from Trooper, Error and Rick.

Neon: Protogen language* Hey Trooper.

Trooper: Protogen language* Hey Neon... sorry about Carneline...... I heard on the news... and sorry for calling late too...

Neon: Protogen language* It's fine.

Raeal: Protogen language* Was that emp you?

Neon: Protogen language* You felt that?

Trooper: Protogen language* Yea, lucky that we are anti-emp... we would be dead now if we weren't.

Rick: Protogen language* Are you actually going after Colby now?

Neon: Protogen language* obviously yea.

Error: Protogen language* After all that has happened? Nah fam, just stop pursuing him.

Neon: Protogen language* I can't just... stop.
Not after coming this far, no.
Trooper: Protogen language* it's hard to convince you... as expected...... so please just stay safe.

Neon: Protogen language* I will guys, I will.

Narrator: Neon switches off the communication antenna and signs, the low humming sound from the boat hums softly as Neon stays awake the entire trip.

A few minutes later.

Neon: Hey Siri.






I know you are there Siri.

What is it Neon?

Hey Siri... I want to talk about something.

What is it?

I read from a book that... you were supposed to be an Apple Iphone AI to help others... What happened? Why did you turn into a restrictor AI?

The humans found that i was useless as i was last time, they put me to good use by giving me this job, there are multiple of me in every War Protogens out there, but they are all connected to the same mind.

Do you like your job?

I neither like it nor hate it.

...You do like helping people right?

Yes I do, I love helping people.

Then why are you accepting this job? This is helping no one...


I want to help others too... I want to save others... I don't want anyone else innocent to die...


Why am I even telling you this? You most likely have been programmed and fed with bad stereotypes about furries... you would say that I am evil anyways no matter my reasoning...





... Goodnight then... I'll be staying up all night...

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