Chapter 47: Romantic Moment

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Narrator: Walmer Downs, near Baakens River.


Neon's and Carneline's temporary tree house base.

The tree house was extremely big, it consisted of ten trees next to each other and each tree had a treehouse on it. All the tree houses were connected by a sturdy bridge. The tree houses were hidden by other trees.

Neon climbs up the main treehouse and does the secret knock. Carneline appears at the door, wearing an apron.

Lemon, who is on a cushion at the corner, wakes up and runs up to Neon, before jumping on his head.

Lemon didn't look any different except he grew just slightly bigger.

Carneline: What took so long?

Neon: Went through some trouble, what's for dinner?

Narrator: Neon walks in the treehouse, putting down his Ogama-Katana and taking off his cloak, hanging it on a small branch sticking out of the tree trunk.

Carneline: I found some potatoes on the ground on the way home, so I made a simple mash potato dish with some gravy that I stored in the fridge. Don't worry, it wasn't expired and I checked that the potato was not rotten and I washed it.

Narrator: Carneline skips to the bridge connecting to the kitchen treehouse happily, she then comes back with 2 mashed potatoes with gravy on a clean white plate.

Neon: Weren't those plates covered with dirt yesterday?

Carneline: I cleaned it using wife- uhhh girl power!

Anyways, sit down and eat up!

Narrator: Carneline sets the plate of mashed potato down, takes off her apron, neatly folds it and flings it aside like a frisbee, making it land on the shelf perfectly.

Carneline spoon feeds Lemon, Lemon happily swallows the mashed potato.

Neon sat down and picked up the spoon. He dug his spoon into the mashed potato and twirls it, showing signs of deep thinking.

Carneline notices.

Carneline: ...Did... something happen?


Neon: ......I got a message from Fin... where the Tokage Clan is at... but I don't know what to do... 



there are still many labs out there with innocent furry lifes being tortured... and that bastard Colby... 



I can't go back now... but what would Fin think of me... not taking the opportunity to see each other again...


Narrator: Carneline puts down her spoon, looking at Neon straight in the eye.

Carneline: ...Kenji.

Neon: Carneline only uses my real name when she is serious...

Carneline: ...I'm sure that Fin will understand... no, he MUST understand, he definitely will.



He has been your friend, your brother, for 3 years, why wouldn't he understand? 

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