Chapter 105: I Owe Him

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Narrator: Outside Kunlun station, Lance, Sinox, Otis, Dr.K, Bean and Birch look at all the destroyed and exploded vehicles. Everyone have introduced themself to Dr.K.

Spark: That guy's attack must have blasted through the wall and destroyed all the vehicles...

Otis: Now what? Where are we going?

Narrator: Bean takes out his walkie talkie, before pressing  a button, a hologram screen is projected and Bean analysed.

Bean: Neon is headed for Willow Station... seems like he already broke out.

Jaw: Are you coming with us Dr.K?

Dr.K: Sure, why not, I'll most likely die of coldness here anyways.

Spark: Guys look! A sled!

Narrator: Spark was inspecting a sled big enough to fit all of them.

Spark: I wonder if we can somehow use it...

Jaw: ...I know! Have you ever heard of Inuit people?

Otis: Oh I have, those people live near the north pole, they are really chill, they were the only group of people who didn't go aggressive on me the second they saw me.

Bean: I guess it's because they have huskies as companions, so they just treat you like how they treat their huskies, since they don't usually have all those social media or television to feed them stereotypes about us.

Jaw: Inuit people use sleds pulled by their huskies for transport on snow...

Dr.K: So you want Birch to pull the sled.

Narrator: Everyone looks at Birch.

Birch: Oh my god... first you made me nearly choke 3 times then you want me to pull a sled like a dog... this day couldn't get any worse...

Narrator: In the end, Bean threatened to actually choke Birch, Birch quickly agreed to pull the sled in fear.

10.30am, 16 minutes later, Birch was running towards Willow Station aggressively(insert road runner rub) with a sled dog harness tied to his body, the harness was connected to the sled where the others were on.

Birch: I swear... one day I'm going to make that shark guy pay!

Dr.K: That dog is surprisingly strong and fast with a lot of stamina. At this speed, we may be slightly faster than a ski equipped truck.

Narrator: Lance looks at Dr.K with some deep thinking.

Jaw: ...he doesn't cause a lot of trouble for the humans and isn't very active...but why such a high bounty then? And why alive only?... something doesn't add up... could he be someone valuable?

Narrator: Dr.K stares at Otis, who was sleeping in the lap of Bean.

A memory of Fin sitting on Stripe's lap flash in Dr.K's vision, he quickly looks away, then back at Otis.

Dr.K pats Otis gently, Otis squirmed a little, still asleep.

Otis: Sleep talking* mama... Oozy stole my salmon again...

Bean: Silly little guy ain't he? Reminds me of that civet cutie Neon gave me.

Narrator: Dr.K nods a little in agreement.

He retracts his hands and looks at the black fur of Otis on it.

Dr.K then takes out a small sphere object smaller than his paw from his bag, on it writes "Portable DNA Identifier"(lets call it PDI for short), he places Otis's black fur into the PDI, a DNA formula forms on the small screen. Dr.K then takes out a small bottle from his bag, on it writes "failed sample"(Puro), inside some black fur, Dr.K takes out Otis's black fur and puts in Puro's black fur, the screen displays the same DNA formula.

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