Chapter 28: Never Come Back

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Fin: Right here! It will lead us to the exi-

Narrator: A wall beside them suddenly explodes, blasting Fin backwards, rubble burying him.

Fin pushes the rubble away, only to see Stripe getting held by the neck by the SquidDog.

SquidDog: You have proven yourself useless, unless you can find me that doctor which you were chatting with, I'll let you live.

Narrator: Fin stays as still as possible, but the SquidDog already smelled him. He looks at Fin, an evil plan in his eyes.

Fin: Did he realise that Dr.K was hiding behind a box earlier with his sense of smell too?

Narrator: The SquidDog looks back at Stripe.

SquidDog: So what is it going to be? Will you help me capture both the doctor and the human? Or will you die here?

Narrator: Stripe weakly lifts up his hand, and does a middle finger sign at the SquidDog.

Stripe: ...Fuck your side quest.

Narrator: The SquidDog scoffed and snaps Stripe's neck.




Fin watches in horror as it happens, Stripe's body falls to the ground, lifeless.



Fin didn't react for a few seconds......before gritting his teeth and tightening his fist angrily.

Fin runs up to the SquidDog in anger, cursing him and baring his claws and fangs. The SquidDog just picks him up by the neck, lifting him up in the air, Fin desperately claws the tentacles surrounding his neck to try to release himself, but to no avail.

SquidDog: You want to die like him so badly? Be my g-

Narrator: The tentacle strangling Fin was suddenly cut clean off, Fin drops to the ground. The SquidDog looks around in confusion, trying to find who sliced his tentacles.

Human: Where do you think you are looking at?

Narrator: SquidDog turns his head to Human, Human was standing on a burning bookshelf, he reveals the nature scent bag hidden in his big head fur.

SquidDog: Well well well, just my luck, both you and the doctor are here.

Narrator: SquidDog looks at Dr.K in the vent. 

Seeing that he has been found by scent, Dr.K jumps down and takes out his pipe wrench, ready to kill.

Dr.K: How did you know he is the human?

SquidDog: Because he looks exactly like Alpha, Lord Alpha, the Symbol Of Bravery for the furries.

Human: Lord what.

SquidDog: Wait shit I forgot I'm in the past- anyways. Alpha! I have come from the future to end your life and stop your future doing! I will not allow you to m-

Human: What da fuack are you yapping about -_-

Dr.K: Let's just kill him cause all he does is trouble.

Narrator: Dr.K throws the pipe wrench with all his might, SquidDog dodges it, Human catches the wrench and yeets it back at SquidDog, this time it smacks SquidDog right in the face. 

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