Chapter 33: Team S

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Narrator: Next next morning, 22 September, 4am.

Kenji lays there, unable to sleep.

He looks at Fuzz who was sleeping soundly, facing the wall.

Kenji: Fuzz has already healed his wounds with the help of Lemon's blob, but he will never be the same again...just like Fin.........

Narrator: Suddenly a sharp pain was felt in Kenji's brain, he sat up and held his head in pain. The pain was making him feel like firing.

Kenji: The day I become this War Protogen... I kept feeling this sharp pain when the doctor commanded something......

Narrator: Suddenly, an explosion was heard, waking everyone up. Kenji quickly runs outside and look at where the explosion was from. Panther, Hazzy and Carneline follows. 

It was still night. There was a bright light in the distance.

Carneline: What is that?

Kenji: I think I might know.

Narrator: Kenji uses Chita Supido to rush to the scene, Panther uses Okami Ashi and rushes to the scene too, Carneline signs and follows along.

Carneline: Why didn't I try to master a speed technique?

Narrator: Kenji feels another sharp pain in his head, it was making him feel like aborting the mission.

Kenji reaches the scene, Hazzy was already there.

Kenji: How did you reach first?

Hazzy: Uhh, umm... my Guro Noryoku?

Narrator: Panther reaches too.

A crater was there and there seems to be the remains of a wood house.

Hazzy points to the distance, Kenji looks there and spots something in the trees, it spots Kenji too and runs away.

Kenji: That thing... It looks like a War Protogen!

It must have used its special hand rocket...

What was it trying to do... "fire", "abort mission"......something isn't right...

Narrator: Meanwhile, a building in Tokyo Japan. Akuma stood at a high level, looking out of the commercial glass, looking down at the city of Tokyo like a supervillain.

Assistant: Akuma, after a scan from the War Protogen sent to Gochome, the house it destroyed wasn't where they are.

Akuma: What a shame, I thought we would annihilate the clan that killed our bomber friend and previous captain of Team E, and also that guy, who got his skull completely crushed when his teammates brought him to us.

Assistant: And they may possibly have also killed our toxic gas German guy, our Friday the 13th machete wanna be guy, our self destruct guy, even tho he killed himself, our ninja guy, his brother, the so called Shuriken Machine Gun God (average furry hunter oc name) and 50+ others, our current captain of Team D. And our previous captain of Team D, since they were all sent to the location around there. it's possible they also killed the previous, previous captain of Team D.

Akuma: Which is why they must be annihilated, and it's not possible they killed our previous, previous captain of Team D as his body was found in Oshima Island.

Assistant: Don't forget how they almost killed our Team A and B captain.

Akuma: Yes, looks like it's not long... before I have to unleash Team S.

Tomorrow we will send more War Protogens to the second possible area they may be at, and all captains too. We'll send one of our trusted Team S members, since their captain is currently... not in this universe.

And update their bounty, we have confirmed that they have killed more than we thought.









Any update on the development of that drug we got on Oshima Island 1 year ago?



Assistant: We did not manage to make much progress... but we have found Dr.K's real identity.

Narrator: Akuma turns his head slightly towards the assistant, revealing his glowing blue right iris.

Akuma: Go on......

Narrator: The assistant opens her mouth and starts saying a few words. Akuma's eyes widened in surprise. He then chuckles, looking back out the window with a slight smile.

Akuma: my...... I didn't think you'd still be alive... old friend...

Narrator: That noon, 12pm, 22 September, Kenji's bounty was increased to ¥350 000 000 dead only and Tom's bounty went to ¥375 000 000 dead only, Kenji got a smack from Carneline.

Another furry known as Beta has his bounty increased to ¥410 143 000 alive only... who could Beta be?

I can barely see it ('。_。`)

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I can barely see it ('。_。`)

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