Chapter 54: Land Mine Chaos

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Narrator: 4 minutes later, 7.35am, at the most west of Rowallan Park, near where Neon woke up. Lemon was resting on Neon's head.

Kaito: You sure that there is a boat in Cape Town that can be recharged by using solar panels?

Neon: Yep. I read in a newspaper that a new model of solar panel rechargeable boat will be sold to Cape Town first today. I can use that to get to Antarctica as that new model charges faster, has a lot of battery capacity, is also incredibly fast and has some useful utilities installed in it.

Kaito: Okay but are you sure you don't wanna bring me along??

Narrator: Neon signs and crouch down, petting Kaito's head.

Neon: It will be alright... you know me! I'll survive, I promise.

Narrator: Kaito hesitated and nodded. 

Neon turns around and leaves, waving goodbye to all the Ghost Furry. All of them waves back, even the butterfly on Rusty's antlers seems to be waving goodbye. Indy wave back clumsily, Kaito, Acorn and Rusty wave back with a slight smile on their face.

Neon takes out his broken walkie talkie.

Neon: Looks like I won't be able to communicate with anybody in the FRO, should have made the walkie talkie waterproof.

Narrator: Neon continued walking, and Rowallan Park became a small dot in his sight eventually.







3h later, 10.35am, on the roads beside Fitchholme AH, Neon was still walking.

Neon: Let's take a rest.

Narrator: Neon sits down beside the road on a big rock, Lemon jumps down from Neon's head and lies on Neon's lap, facing his belly towards Neon.

Neon: You want a belly rub?

Narrator: Neon rubs his hands on Lemon's small belly, Lemon barks happily.

Neon: Smiling a little* Good boy.

Narrator: Neon holds Lemon and hugs him, Lemon licks Neon's visor.

Neon: ...promise you won't leave me too?

Lemon: Woof!

Neon: Good boy.

Narrator: 5 grenades, out of nowhere, drop onto the ground in front of Neon. Neon instantly wraps Lemon with his body and activates Kegawa Kessho, making him look like an indestructible ball with Lemon in the center of his ball looking position, protected completely.

The 5 grenades explode, sending Neon flying backwards and into the grass field behind him, the explosion power was so strong that it made Neon land directly in the center of the large field. Neon unwraps himself mid-flight and lands on his feet, holding the scared but unharmed Lemon.

A pickup truck pulls up at where Neon was sitting, a 25 years old man wearing a furry hunter flag comes out, he was wearing a bunch of grenades at his hip belt.

Grenade Furry Hunter: Shouting* Another one fell for my trap, I'm surprised you survived my 5 grenade trick, but you definitely won't survive this!!

Narrator: The Grenade Furry Hunter takes out a marker shaped object with a red button on it, holding it with his right hand, the Grenade Furry Hunter presses the red button and holds it there.

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