Chapter 85: Gootrax Clan

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Narrator: Mochi opens his eyes, he sees Caramel in the distance in the black void.

Mochi: Caramel! I'm here I'm-

Narrator: Caramel's body suddenly burst into pieces, splattering and organs blood everywhere, his head flies directly to Mochi feet, Mochi looks at the head, Caramel's face had the intention to kill.

Caramel: Why... didn't you protect me?

Narrator: Mochi stumbles backwards, scared.

Mochi: scared* No! No... I'm sorry...

Narrator: The ground suddenly cracks open, multiple zombie versions of Caramel crawl out from the ground, some of their flesh rotted to the extent that you can see their skull and bones. The zombie Caramel wobbles towards the scared Mochi, Mochi crawling backwards, creeped out.

Zombie Caramel: Big Brother?

Zombie Caramel 2: Why didn't you...

Zombie Caramel 3: Protect me?

Narrator: Mochi waves his arms frantically, trying to get away.

Mochi: scared* I'm sorry... i'm sorry , I'm sorry, I'm sorry im sorry im sorry-

Panther: Hey wake up!

Narrator: Mochi awakens from his dream and sits up suddenly, 7 years old Panther was beside him.

Panther: Were you having a nightmare? You were sweating a lot and squirming around.

Mochi: Yea... What time is it now?

Panther: 25 May 9am, come, let's go, Tom is waiting for you to wake up.

Narrator: Mochi gets up and follows Panther to the main room, walking through it, then going to the hallway before turning left, facing where Mochi was sleeping with Jammer and Shade last night. All the furries were gathered at the main hall, Tom standing on a couple of boxes. Tom spots Panther and Mochi approaching and clears his throat.

Tom: Alright everyone, focus on here please.

Narrator: All the furries look at Tom.

Tom: We are all trapped here, because we can't go home, right?

Narrator: There were sounds of agreement from the furries.

Tom: I thought, what if we make this our home? We will live together here as a family, sounds good or nah?

Narrator: There were sounds of approval from the furries.

Catte: Wouldn't we need a clan name?

Tom: Yep, I already thought that out, how does Gootrax Clan sound? Since most of us are, well, gooey.

Narrator: There were sounds of approval from the furries.

Tom: Gootrax Clan it is! From now on, we are one big family! Each one of us are Gootraxians!

Narrator: And that was how the clan was formed.

Narrator: And that was how the clan was formed

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