Chapter 109: Warlord Zygote Clone

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Narrator: Henry kicks Donovan in the face, sending his head flying backwards, Henry grabs Donovan's shoulder and pull himself over Donovan, before trying to grab the tentacles holding Ruby, Donovan grabs Henry's arms and yeets him away, Henry lands on his feet safely.

Donovan: I can't believe you! Joining their side??

Henry: Knowing me, you should be aware that I have good reasons to do so, so stop complaining and kill me if you are really so upset about my decision.

Narrator: Donovan cuts his own hands, blood gushes out, he swings his hands around and splatter the blood on the ground.

Henry kicks the ground and launches himself towards Donovan, right when he was going to punch Donovan, the blood Donovan had splattered on the ground suddenly exploded into big purple, pink and blue vaporising balls, vaporising him and Henry, making another small crater beside the crater Neon was in(they were not fighting inside the crater).

Henry and Donovan's body regenerates, Henry and Donovan jumps backwards away from each other.

Henry: So that's why it's called Ketsueki Hakai, because it isn't the body parts that explodes, it's the blood! (Ketsueki means blood in japanese)

Donovan: You have seen how powerful I am, still want to be on their side?

Henry: Obviously yes, after all they aren't dumb like you.

Narrator: Henry points to a body beside him, it was the unconscious Ruby, Henry had snatched him the second he regenerated, Ruby was missing his left arm, but it was visible regenerating.

Henry: His left arm got caught in the explosion, he should be alright though.

Donovan: It's alright, I have already copied his DNA, I no longer need his body-

Narrator: Donovan gets wack on the left side of his head, stunning him and sending him flying to the right slightly.

Donovan caught a glimpse of who smacked him, it was Dr.K, without his mask and holding his red pipe wrench.

Donovan quickly brought his legs down onto the ground to stop himself from flying, before doing a spin and attempting to spin kick Dr.K's head off.

Dr.K blocks the kick unexpectedly, before swinging his red pipe wrench for Donovan's chin, Donovan catches the swing, Dr.K lets go of his red pipe wrench and uses his now free hand to stab Donovan through his face with his claws.

Dr.K pulls out his hand and grabs his wrench, before swinging it sideways and smacking Donovan's head with it, sending him flying into the big crater again.


Narrator: Nothing happens, Donovan was confused, he looked at his hands, then realised a hypodermic needle was sticking in his right leg, the leg he tried to kick Dr.K with.

Dr.K: That needle was filled with a chemical that stops furries from being able to use Guro Noryokus for a while. I created it myself. I stabbed him with it earlier when I blocked his kick.

Donovan: What's this?? No need to worry, I still have my plasma power!!

Narrator: Donovan does the finger gun sign at both Henry and Dr.K.

Donovan: GO TO HELL YOU-

Narrator: Something pierces Donovan's hand and bursts it into pieces, Donovan looks at where it came from, at the other side of the crater, was Otis with his AK-47.

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