Chapter 94: Inevitable Hit

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Narrator: 3 minutes later, 12.19pm, Crimson and Neon had separated, searching the lab for the 2 enemies.

Trystan's pov, he walks with a slight limp from the injury on his right leg.

Crimson: ..."as one species rises, the others fall, from lack of power to compare, from speciesism, that's why we are in this position now."

I haven't forgotten what you told me...Kai...

Narrator: Trystan stops and looks up.

Crimson: Now I'm beginning to question my reason for existing... is it merely to suffer? Or is there a greater meaning behind it... doesn't seem like so...

Narrator: Trystan looks at the neon blue kaiju crystal connected to his katana pommel.

Crimson: If only you were here now... maybe my will to live wouldn't be this low... but I don't want you to inevitably suffer like me too... should I continue existing? This question has always been on my mind since that day...

Narrator: Trystan suddenly unsheathed his katana and throws it behind him like a boomerang, spinning violently, a clang sound was heard from down the dark hallway, Trystan's katana flew back to him spinning violently like how a boomerang would, Trystan catches his katana handle with 2 fingers. His katana's not sharp side was red in colour, the sharp part was rose quartz in colour, there was a singular sharp z like pattern near the tip of the blade.

 His katana's not sharp side was red in colour, the sharp part was rose quartz in colour, there was a singular sharp z like pattern near the tip of the blade

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Crimson: Come out Colby Matalon, I know it's you.

Narrator: From the dark hallway, Colby walks out, his sniper on his back.

Colby: You, I remember you, the one who escaped from me 8 years ago.

Crimson: Correct, I've come to end your life.

Colby: You can try all you want, no one has ever-

Narrator: As if he teleported, Trystan was suddenly upside down inches away from Colby, his katana milliseconds away from slashing off Colby's head.

Colby suddenly stretches his hand backwards to pull his sniper trigger, a bullet fires out, bounces on the floor and the wall before hitting Trystan's katana and hitting it away.

Trystan kicks the ceiling, does a sideways somersault and lands on his feet before swinging his katana upwards, the bullet that hit Trystan's katana away earlier bounces on the wall, to the floor before hitting Trystan's katana away again, preventing Colby from getting hit.

Trystan jumps back, standing up.

Crimson: The same bullet hit my katana twice, that couldn't be a coincidence, he is using his ability.

Narrator: The same bullet bounces off a broken ceiling light and wizzes towards Trystan's katana, Trystan slices the bullet in half, the bullet finally stops flying.

Crimson: There is something special about you, isn't there? Does it have something to do with Project God Sealing?

Colby: How did you know about that?

Crimson: I'm a fugitive, a rogue to human society who attacks "mindlessly", of course I'll eventually come across something about it during one of my unexpected ambushes.

Colby: Well I guess you should know about my ability then.

Crimson: I've experienced this power before... back then 8 years ago.

I do, your ability allows you to lock onto your target in a non-fixed range that can vary based on mastery level, the target has to be visible and the user have to identify it correctly in order for the ability to work, any target locked by you will inevitably be hit by any projectile you wish to strike your target with. Your gem is above your belly button, it is an orange target Icon. Based on the fact that you can hit my katana thrice with the same bullet, I'll assume that you have a high mastery of your ability.

Colby: You know quite a lot, it's a shame that I have to end your life.

Narrator: Without taking out his sniper, Colby pulls the trigger again, another bullet fires out, bounces on the wall and the floor and the broken ceiling light, before going straight for Trystan's left leg, Trystan jumps and avoided the bullet, but the bullet hits a empty bucket and bounces back, hitting Trystan's left leg.

Crimson:There really is no way to dodge it, there is also no spot to hide from his sight...the only option is to run out of his range, but who knows how many metres it is.

Narrator: Trystan doesn't fall over from the bullet wound on his left leg, blood gushes out of the bullet wound.

Colby: I'm surprised you survived a shot to a fatal spot, and can still stand like this.

Reminds me of that Golden Slime Hound.

Narrator: Trystan scoffs, he raises his katana, pointing it at Colby.

Crimson: This might be my last fight, but.

Bring it on.

Bring it on

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